Asian Economic Integration Monitor: November 2014This AEIM review of recent economic performance highlights the need for Asia to rebalance its sources of growth toward domestic and regional demand. It also shows a resilient Asia with rising GDP growth in South Asia. This issue includes a Special Chapter: Regional Financial Integration and Crisis in Asia and Europe – A Comparative Analysis. It presents Asia’s future path of integration as different from that in Europe. Asia will continue to strengthen efforts to harmonize rules and regulations in the financial sector and further unilateral trade and investment, while Europe is more likely to strengthen regional institutions to ensure recovery and better the monetary union. Author: Asian Development Bank Year: 2014 Download Tags: Asia-Pacific, Economic Integration, Europe, ASEAN, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Regional Integration, Sri Lanka, Trade Facilitation, Transport  The Merits of Regional Cooperation: The Case of South AsiaThis book makes the case for a re-strengthened South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), arguing that regional integration is a key factor for countries in South Asia to succeed economically and increase confidence among potential foreign investors. SAARC's inroads in improving border crossings, transport routes, and infrastructure are improving weak levels of trade within the region. However, these efforts are insufficient; they need to go hand-in-hand with further improving bilateral relations – and SAARC is in a good position to facilitate these negotiations. Spanning a wide range of subjects, including international relations, strategic affairs, environment, politics and economic issues, the publication aims to show the huge potential of South Asia as a region. Author: Siegfried O. Wolf, Paulo Casaca, Anne J. Flanagan, and Cátia Rodrigues Year: 2014 Download Tags: Regional Cooperation, ASEAN, Bangladesh, Europe, India, SAARC, South Asia  Asian Financial Integration: Impacts of the Global Crisis and Options for Regional PoliciesThe impact of the global financial crisis (GFC) reverberated deeply throughout the financial markets of Europe and the United States. In contrast, due to its relative independence from global financial markets at that time, Asia was sheltered from its painful blow. As the GFC fast-tracked the growth of Asian economies, thrusting them to the center and leading the global recovery, questions about Asia's financial future come up: how can Asian growth and development continue? This book reviews lessons learned from the GFC and looks at important Asian policy responses to the crisis, including capital account liberalization in India. It also attempts to provide a road map for the future, discussing how Asia can strengthen regional institutions and cooperate, while undertaking domestic reforms consistent with the regional and global agenda, and by proposing strategies for financial integration in the region. Author: Yiping Huang and Shiro Armstrong (eds.) Year: 2014 Download Tags: Regional Integration, Economic Integration, Asia, Europe, India |