Publications List

Comprehensive listing of books, reports, and research on regional cooperation and integration (RCI) in South Asia and relevant global RCI publications, including publications on transport, trade facilitation, energy, and economic corridors in the SASEC region.

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Identifying Challenges and Improving Trade Facilitation in the States of Northeast India

The northeast of India is shares international borders with Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Myanmar and acts as a bridge for India's participation in global forums through the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multisectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation and the South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation program. This paper highlights challenges in global trade and suggests ways for improving trade with other countries in South Asia and Southeast Asia.

Author: Sanchita Basu Das and Soumya Chattopadhyay

Year: 2023


Tags: India, Trade Facilitation, SASEC, BIMSTEC, Transport, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar

Leveraging Thematic Circuits for BIMSTEC Tourism Development

Thematic tourist circuits in the BIMSTEC region can help boost economic recovery from the pandemic and promote a return to pre-COVID-19 tourism growth. However, to fully realize the benefits of cross-border tourism and create thematic circuits, multiple issues need to be addressed throughout the region. This report focuses on COVID-19 recovery, infrastructure, marketing and products, human resources, policy, and investment areas, and recommends actions for each to help hasten the recovery and aid in creating thematic circuits.

Author: Asian Development Bank

Year: 2022


Tags: BIMSTEC, Tourism, COVID-19

BIMSTEC Trade Facilitation Strategic Framework 2030

The BIMSTEC Trade Facilitation Strategic Framework 2030 suggests a structured pathway approach for enhancing the environment for trade facilitation among BIMSTEC member states. This framework outlines development of various soft infrastructure, hard infrastructure, and capacity-building strategies. It has also identified seven principles to guide implementation of the BIMSTEC Trade Facilitation Strategy, namely, (i) country ownership, (ii) results-orientation combined with pragmatism, (iii) flexibility and responsiveness to country needs, (iv) reform and modernization, (v) active participation and involvement of the private sector, (iv)partnerships with development partners, and (vii) mutual cooperation.

Author: Asian Development Bank

Year: 2022


Tags: BIMSTEC, Trade Facilitation, Infrastructure

Asia–Pacific Regional Cooperation and Integration Index: Enhanced Framework, Analysis, and Applications

This report discusses the framework of the Asia–Pacific Regional Cooperation and Integration Index (ARCII), which has been revised to include digital connectivity and environmental cooperation. ARCII estimates have remained stable among Association of Southeast Asian Nations members and in the Greater Mekong Subregion, while it improved for Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Program countries. ARCII declined slightly for South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation countries, though improvements and links with nearby subregions are expected from joint initiatives with the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation countries.

Author: Asian Development Bank

Year: 2021


Tags: Regional Cooperation, SASEC, BIMSTEC

Dealing with Coronavirus Pandemic in the Bay of Bengal Region

Bay of Bengal countries have been deeply affected by the ongoing coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. To cope, the countries should be able to secure vaccines at an affordable rate and ensure these are administered safely and securely. The countries could restore economic growth by strengthening regional cooperation in the public health sector and enhancing trade facilitation to augment resilience of the supply chain. Mitigation measures should also focus on reducing the cost of addressing the pandemic in the region.

Author: Prabir De

Year: 2021


Tags: Trade Facilitation, BIMSTEC, Trade Facilitation

Making BIMSTEC a Regional Vehicle for Nepal's Economic Growth

The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) was established in 1996 with a permanent secretariat in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Nepal, which joined BIMSTEC in 2004, could achieve its goals of development and prosperity through the organization. Nepal could expand its trade, economy, business, investments, and cultural connections through connections with BIMSTEC member countries in South and Southeast Asia.

Author: Sunil K.C.

Year: 2021


Tags: BIMSTEC, Nepal, Trade

Regional Integration in Bay of Bengal Region in Post-COVID-19 Period

Bay of Bengal countries face similar challenges in facing the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. By strengthening regional cooperation, countries could bring down costs brought about by the pandemic and help hurdle barriers to the flow of people, ideas, and trade in goods and services. This paper analyzes the possible economic losses caused by the pandemic in the Bay of Bengal region. It also looks at progress in regional cooperation and suggests ways for working together in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Author: Prabir De

Year: 2021


Tags: COVID-19, BIMSTEC, Regional Cooperation

Reimagining India’s Engagement with BIMSTEC

This brief discusses the role that India can play in subregional integration by reimagining India’s economic relations with its Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) partners. Recent economic developments in the Asia-Pacific region provide context in the analysis presented in this report. By developing local value chains, India can pull the region closer amid competing economic needs.

Author: Suparna Karmakar

Year: 2020


Tags: India, BIMSTEC, Regional Integration

BIMSTEC and Japan: Exploring Prospects for Renewed Cooperation

The Bay of Bengal region is rising as an economic and strategic hub, with the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) playing a key role in promoting growth and development in the region. BIMSTEC is also being seen as a potential driver of integration between South Asia and Southeast Asia. Given Japan's relationship with BIMSTEC nations, this brief makes a case for deeper engagement between Japan and BIMSTEC. The benefits could include cooperation in infrastructure, connectivity, and energy projects. A free trade agreement between the two entities would also be mutually beneficial.

Author: Vindu Mai Chotani

Year: 2018


Tags: ASEAN, Bangladesh, Bhutan, BIMSTEC, Connectivity, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Free Trade Agreements

Updating and Enhancement of the BIMSTEC Transport Infrastructure and Logistics Study

This study profiles the transport and logistics environment in Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) member countries. It also identifies transport-related strategies for achieving trade development goals in the region and suggests an institutional framework for implementing those strategies.

Author: Asian Development Bank

Year: 2018


Tags: BIMSTEC, Connectivity, Infrastructure

BIMSTEC: Rediscovering Old Routes to Connectivity

This brief considers how Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) stands to gain by leveraging existing transport connectivity projects in the region. It looks at how initiatives, including those under the South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) Program and other groups, build connectivity through standards harmonization, multimodal integration, and development of national single windows.

Author: K. Yhome

Year: 2017


Tags: BIMSTEC, Connectivity, Energy, Regional Cooperation, Single Window, Standards Harmonization, Transport

Trade Facilitation and Better Connectivity for an Inclusive Asia and Pacific

This report investigates the evolution of trade costs, examines trade facilitation and paperless trade implementation, and highlights key initiatives in South Asia, including efforts by members of the South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC). The SASEC Trade Facilitation and Transport Working Group agreed to expand assistance to trade facilitation through technical assistance to support more efficient, transparent, secure, and service-oriented processing of cross-border trade across South Asia. Through 2025, the SASEC connectivity agenda will be better aligned with the frameworks of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation and the Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation. To help establish a trade and transport facilitation monitoring mechanism, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal conducted studies that reviewed trade and transport procedures, analyzed bottlenecks, and gave recommendations on trade and transport facilitation.

Author: Asian Development Bank and United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

Year: 2017


Tags: ADB, Bangladesh, Bhutan, BIMSTEC, Maldives, Nepal, SAARC, India, Myanmar, SASEC, South Asia, Sri Lanka, Trade Facilitation, Transport, UNESCAP, ADB RCI

Trade Facilitation for a More Inclusive and Connected Asia and Pacific Region: Progress and Way Forward

This report gives an overview of assessments from the 2017 global survey on trade facilitation and paperless trade in Asia and the Pacific. It looks at the implementation of trade facilitation and paperless trade measures in 44 countries in Asia and the Pacific, including how the South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation Trade Facilitation Strategic Framework promotes development by deepening regional cooperation. The Framework covers national and subregional projects in Customs harmonization, improving cross-border facilities, and transport facilitation. The Framework also supports regulatory reforms and the development of the National Single Window Customs management system in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, and Nepal.

Author: Asian Development Bank and United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

Year: 2017


Tags: ADB, Bangladesh, Bhutan, BIMSTEC, Maldives, Nepal, Regional Cooperation, Regional Integration, SAARC, SASEC, Standards Harmonization, Trade Facilitation, Trade Facilitation Agreement, WTO, UNESCAP, ADB RCI

Unlocking the Potential of Regional Economic Cooperation and Integration in South Asia

At a modest 6% of total trade, intraregional trade in South Asia stands at less than one third of its full potential. Trade barriers and inadequate infrastructure have cost South Asia over US $54 billion per year in lost export opportunities. With 309 million people living on less than $1.90 a day—the largest concentration of poverty in the world—South Asia should urgently pursue broad-based regional economic cooperation that could enable effective responses to the subregion’s developmental challenges. This report examines the state of economic integration in South Asia and identifies potential areas for further strengthening subregional linkages. It provides recommendations on policy actions to increase market integration, improve connectivity, boost investment in infrastructure development, and tackle shared vulnerabilities and risks. It calls for the consolidation and upgrading of existing trade and investment cooperation initiatives into a South Asia Comprehensive Economic Partnership.

Author: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

Year: 2017


Tags: BIMSTEC, Investment, Regional Cooperation, SAARC, South Asia, Sustainability, Sustainable Development, Trade, UNESCAP, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka

BIMSTEC: The Road Ahead

This report examines how the Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) region can utilize its intraregional network to deepen regional cooperation and integration to better the lives of the roughly 1.5 million people living in this region. It discusses issues of trade, investment, regional value chains, and connectivity, in the context of making the BIMSTEC grouping more relevant and meaningful. With BIMSTEC's enormous potential waiting to be tapped, this report urges the grouping to take advantage of newly available opportunities and harvest low hanging fruits, including establishment of a BIMSTEC power trade network, promotion of business-to-business and people-to-people contact, enhancement of regional value chains, and engaging the experience and expertise of BRICS economies.

Author: Research and Information System

Year: 2016


Tags: BIMSTEC, Regional Cooperation, Thailand, Trade, Energy

A Connectivity-Driven Development Strategy for Nepal: From a Landlocked to a Land-Linked State

Transforming Nepal from a landlocked into a land-linked state, the authors argue, could be key to unlocking the country's much-awaited growth. With its strategic location between India and the People's Republic of China, a connectivity-driven development strategy could energize Nepal's lackluster post-conflict economic performance. Further, Nepal implements a multi-track approach to promoting regional cooperation and integration in connectivity with its neighbors, reinforced through participation in South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation, and South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation. By identifying ten priority projects that could further boost Nepal's connectivity, the paper also discusses how strengthening Nepal's transport, energy, and trade links could benefit the region. However, the authors also warn against “internal threats” to Nepal's development—corruption and the country's difficult political situation.

Author: Pradumna B. Rana and Binod Karmacharya

Year: 2014


Tags: Nepal, Economic Corridor, Regional Trade, Connectivity, Development, Economic Growth, SASEC, India, Regional Cooperation, Regional Integration, SAARC, BIMSTEC, Transport, Energy, Trade

South Asia- Intra Regional Cooperation: The Way Forward

This study aims to showcase the benefits of regional integration and recommends strategies for overcoming the many hurdles.

Author: Shahid Kardar

Year: 2011


Tags: Policy, Economic Cooperation, Regional Integration, Development, SAARC, Non-Tariff Measures, Trade Facilitation, SAFTA, India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka, BIMSTEC, Myanmar, SASEC, Energy

RCI Digest 2011 Special Feature (October to December) Volume No.1- Issue No.5

ADB supports RCI in South Asia in four ways: (i) subregionally through the South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) program, (ii) regionally through the South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), (iii) interregionally through the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC), and (iv) through collaboration with networks of regional policy research institutes.

Author: Asian Development Bank

Year: 2011


Tags: Regional Cooperation, Regional Integration, South Asia, SASEC, BIMSTEC, Policy, ASEAN

Returned 18 publications