News List

Compiled features on recent developments in regional cooperation and integration in the SASEC region.

March 2024

Bhutan Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay’s Visit to India Highlights Close Economic and Development Partnership 

Bhutan Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay embarked on his first overseas visit to India upon the invitation of India Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He shared insights into the priorities of the Royal Government of Bhutan. Prime Minister Modi affirmed India's unwavering support for Bhutan's ambition to become a high-income nation.  

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Tags: Bhutan, India, Regional Cooperation

August 2022

Commentary: Powering the Clean Energy Transition

Climate change is a daunting development challenge that transcends borders. It therefore calls for greater global consensus and cooperation along with bold targets to tackle its widespread and multidimensional consequences. This commentary appears on the Development Asia website.

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Tags: Energy, COVID-19, Renewable Energy, Regional Cooperation

April 2022

BIMSTEC Energy Ministers Call for Accelerating Energy Cooperation

The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) held the 3rd Meeting of the BIMSTEC Energy Ministers on 20 April 2022. Energy ministers from BIMSTEC countries adopted a joint statement calling for greater energy cooperation in the region.

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Tags: BIMSTEC, Energy, Regional Cooperation

December 2021

BIMSTEC Sec Gen Pays Courtesy Call to Sri Lanka Foreign Minister

Mr. Tenzin Lekphell, Secretary General of the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC), paid a courtesy call on Mr. Gamini Lakshman Peiris, Foreign Minister of the Government of Sri Lanka. Mr. Peiris assured Mr. Lekphell of Sri Lanka's commitment to furthering BIMSTEC goals in the region.

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Tags: Sri Lanka, BIMSTEC, Regional Cooperation

September 2021

Transport Connectivity Key to Intraregional Trade in BBIN and Bay of Bengal Subregions

Increasing transport connectivity is key to regional integration and intraregional trade, according to Mr. Dongxiang Li, Lead Regional Cooperation Specialist, South Asia Department, Asian Development Bank. He said the development of a regional framework is needed to harmonize policy, procedures, and practice among countries in the Bay of Bengal subregion.

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Tags: BBIN, BIMSTEC, Regional Cooperation, Transport

August 2021

Bangladesh Constructing 7 New Land Ports

Bangladesh is constructing seven new land ports to improve land connectivity with India's northeast region. The ports will be set up in cooperation with the states of Assam, Meghalaya, and Tripura in India to increase trade and improve regional connectivity.

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Tags: Bangladesh, India, Trade, Regional Cooperation

June 2021

BIMSTEC Countries Must Work Together Toward Shared Progress -Sri Lanka President

Member states of the Bay of Bengal Initiatives for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) should "continue to deepen cooperation to address the region's challenges and to seize the many opportunities for shared progress," said Sri Lanka President Gotabaya Rajapaksa on 6 June 2021 during the 24th anniversary of BIMSTEC.

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Tags: BIMSTEC, COVID-19, Regional Cooperation, Sri Lanka

April 2021

COVID-19 Fight Needs Collective Action at National, Subregional, and Regional Levels

South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) member countries have been severely affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, affecting lives and livelihoods of millions of people, according to Mr. Esala Ruwan Weerakoon, Secretary General, SAARC. He said that facing the challenges brought about by the pandemic requires collective action at national, subregional, and regional levels.

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Tags: SAARC, Regional Cooperation

April 2021

Commentary: Building Seamless Transport Connectivity in the Bay of Bengal Region

Enhancing transport and trade linkages between and across the countries in the Bay of Bengal region requires a strategic master plan. The master plan will guide the countries' actions and build on synergies among various connectivity frameworks. This commentary appears on the Development Asia website.

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Tags: BIMSTEC, Regional Cooperation, Trade Facilitation, Transport

April 2021

ADB Loan to Spur Growth along Tamil Nadu Industrial Corridor

The Asian Development Bank has approved a $484-million loan for a project to improve transport connectivity along the Chennai–Kanyakumari Industrial Corridor (CKIC) in Tamil Nadu, India, to strengthen industrial growth and create jobs along the corridor. The CKIC is part of India’s East Coast Economic Corridor, which stretches from West Bengal to Tamil Nadu and connects to Southeast Asia and East Asia.

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Tags: ADB, Regional Cooperation, SASEC, Transport, Economic Corridor Development, East Coast Economic Corridor

April 2021

Connectivity Continues to Improve among BBIN Countries

Connectivity among Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal in the last couple of years has improved bilateral relations in the fields of trade, business, culture, and education and research. Speakers noted the importance of increasing cultural relations and other forms of regional cooperation among SAARC countries, as well as of further developing road and rail connectivity.

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Tags: BBIN, Regional Cooperation, SAARC, Trade

March 2021

Integrated Grid to Reduce Cost of Electricity Transmission in South Asia

South Asia needs an integrated energy grid to reduce transmission cost and promote regional economic development, said Mr. Harsh Vardhan Shringla, Foreign Secretary of the Government of India. The subregion should bring together buyers and sellers and harmonize regulatory frameworks to harness the potential of the power trade, he added.

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Tags: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Hydropower, Energy, Regional Cooperation

September 2020

BIMSTEC Senior Officials’ Meeting Approves MoU with ADB for Greater Project Support

The 21st Session of the BIMSTEC Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM) convened foreign secretaries and senior officials of the BIMSTEC Member States. The virtual meeting approved the memorandum of understanding between the BIMSTEC Secretariat and the Asian Development Bank for greater project support in the BIMSTEC region.

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Tags: BIMSTEC, ADB, Regional Cooperation

June 2020

Challenges to Strengthening South Asia’s Supply Chains

An analysis on the Hindustan Times makes a case for building resilient supply chains in South Asia. The article proposes that, with the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), “there will be a decline in globalization and relative strengthening of regional supply chains. Geography will assume an important role in supply chains.” It further mentions that the region’s economies and South Asia’s SMEs stand to benefit from a stronger regional supply chain.

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Tags: Logistics, Regional Cooperation, South Asia, Supply Chains, India

May 2020

SASEC Projects in 2019 Build Economic Connectivity

ADB helps foster regional cooperation and integration through its support of the SASEC Program. In 2019, ADB committed $495 million to reduce travel times along regional corridors connecting Nepal with India and Bangladesh and improve connections to Sri Lanka’s international port under the SASEC Program.

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Tags: ADB, SASEC, Regional Cooperation, Trade Facilitation

March 2020

Commentary: Asia and the Pacific can Overcome COVID-19 by Working Together

Mr. Arjun Goswami of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) emphasizes that amidst the threat posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, “what we need now is not to step back from cross-border cooperation but to redouble such cooperation.” Mr. Goswami underscores that regional cooperation is very much a part of ADB, with various regional cooperation platforms, including the SASEC Program. 

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Tags: Pandemic, Covid19, Regional Cooperation, SASEC, ADB

March 2020

Commentary: SAARC Unites to Handle the Pandemic

Member countries of the South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) held a Virtual SAARC Emergency meeting on COVID-19 on 15 March to discuss and coordinate a regional response. Mr. Sujit Bharti, a Diplomat at the Ministry of External Affairs of the Government of India, writes how South Asia is cooperating against the pandemic.

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Tags: Pandemic, Covid19, Regional Cooperation, SAARC, India

November 2019

Asia and the Pacific Has Made Great Strides in Enhancing Regional Cooperation -Mr. Masatsugu Asakawa

Mr. Masatsugu Asakawa, sole nominee for the next Asian Development Bank (ADB) president, outlined in a statement that ADB has made great strides in advancing regional cooperation and expanding coverage of cross-border infrastructure. He said ADB will be furthering efforts to advance regional cooperation and integration through such initiatives as the South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) partnership.

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Tags: ADB, SASEC, Regional Cooperation

October 2019

Rationalizing BIMSTEC’s Areas of Cooperation to Help Deliver More Results: BPWC Meeting

The BIMSTEC Permanent Working Committee (BPWC) discussed rationalizing the organization’s areas of cooperation and the draft memorandum of understanding to be signed with the Asian Development Bank at the BPWC meeting in Colombo. Mr. Ravinatha Aryasinha, Foreign Secretary of the Government of Sri Lanka, emphasized that for Sri Lanka, early finalization of the BIMSTEC Charter and rationalization of the sectors are crucial to re-energize the organization.

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Tags: BIMSTEC, ADB, Sri Lanka, ASEAN, Regional Cooperation, Trade

September 2019

ADB's New Partnership Strategy to Help Bhutan Improve Its Regional Cooperation Efforts through SASEC

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has endorsed a new 5-year country partnership strategy for Bhutan. The strategy focuses on helping Bhutan achieve inclusive and sustainable growth, and will help Bhutan improve its regional cooperation efforts through the South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC).

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Tags: Bhutan, SASEC, Regional Cooperation, ADB

September 2019

ADB to Provide around $5B to Bangladesh for Education, Regional Cooperation, Etc.

Asian Development Bank (ADB) handed over to Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina ADB’s Country Operations Business Plan for 2020–2022. The plan programs around $5 billion in projects to promote sustainable growth in Bangladesh, and prioritizes skills development participation in global value chains through the South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation partnership.

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Tags: Bangladesh, SASEC, ADB, Regional Cooperation, Transport, Rail

June 2019

Commentary: Improving Facilitation through the Use of Electronic Seals

Replacing mechanical seals with electronic sealing devices has enabled Indian Customs to reduce the risk of fraud and security threats while extending higher levels of facilitation to traders. The electronic seals have allowed India to improve its ranking in World Bank’s Doing Business Report 2019, particularly in the category "trading across borders."

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Tags: ADB, Authorized Economic Operators, Bangladesh, Customs, Electronic Cargo Tracking System, India, Nepal, Regional Cooperation, WCO

May 2019

Commentary: Four Border Junctions

India could play a crucial role in interconnecting regional energy networks. In this commentary, Mr. Mahendra P. Lama outlines what India needs to approach energy security projects in India and its neighboring countries.

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Tags: Bangladesh, Renewable Energy, Regional Cooperation, Nepal, India, Maldives, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Trade, Transport

November 2018

ADB Blog: Early Lessons from Using Technology to Ease Trade in South Asia

Technology helps set the appropriate balance between facilitation and enforcement by border agencies. In this ADB blog entry, Mr. Ronald Butiong, Director, Regional Cooperation and Operations Coordination, South Asia Department, ADB, discusses how the electronic cargo tracking system uses information and communication technology, satellite positioning systems, and high security seals to allow organizations to monitor the movement of cargo, thereby enhancing trade facilitation in South Asia.

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Tags: Customs, Electronic Cargo Tracking System, Regional Cooperation, SASEC, Trade Facilitation

October 2018

New SASEC Highway Project in Nepal to Strengthen Regional Connectivity, Growth, and Trade

A new project to improve Nepal’s East-West Highway is set to strengthen regional connectivity, promote growth and trade, and improve road safety. An 87-kilometer section of the East-West Highway, also known as the Mahendra Highway, will be widened to four lanes and will be improved to include a center median, service lanes in populated areas, and a drainage system.

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Tags: ADB, Nepal, Regional Cooperation, Road, SASEC, Trade, Transport

August 2018

Fourth BIMSTEC Summit Pledges to Deliver Results

The Government of Nepal hosted the Fourth BIMSTEC Summit on 30-31 August 2018 in Kathmandu, Nepal, with participation of all BIMSTEC member countries. The Summit, in its Declaration, committed to deliver results in various sectors of cooperation, including poverty alleviation, connectivity, trade and investment, people-to-people contact, and tourism.

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Tags: BIMSTEC, Regional Cooperation, Connectivity, Trade

May 2018

Bangladesh Executive Committee of the National Economic Council Approves SASEC Road Project

The Executive Committee of the National Economic Council of the Government of Bangladesh approved revisions to the project to upgrade the Joydevpur-Chandra-Tangail-Elenga Road into a four-lane highway. Revisions include extension of deadline and increase in funding. The Asian Development Bank will provide financing support through the South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) road connectivity project.

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Tags: Bangladesh, ADB, SASEC, Transport, Road, Trade, Regional Cooperation

May 2018

ADB Advisor: Renewables, Regional Cooperation, LNG Import can Help Boost Sri Lanka's Energy Security

Dr. Yongping Zhai, Technical Advisor (Energy), Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department, Asian Development Bank (ADB), and Mr. David Elzinga, Senior Energy Specialist, ADB, advised the Government of Sri Lanka to keep their options open in securing the country's energy future. Reiterating ADB's support for Sri Lanka's energy security, Dr. Zhai urged the country to opt for renewables over coal to fast-track its commitment to the Paris agreement.

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Tags: ADB, Renewable Energy, Climate Change, Energy, Sri Lanka, Regional Cooperation

March 2018

Watch: Foster Cooperation between SAARC and SASEC -SAARC SG

South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Secretary General Amjad Hussain Sial met with ADB President Takehiko Nakao to discuss ways to increase cooperation between SAARC and ADB. Mr. Sial noted the prospects for better cooperation between SAARC and SASEC.

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Tags: Regional Cooperation, SAARC, ADB, SASEC, South Asia

January 2018

Commentary: Energy Cooperation Stabilizing Region

Rapid economic growth and increasing populations pose challenges to the South Asian region’s energy security. Increasing energy cooperation among South Asian countries will help ensure access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy for the entire region.

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Tags: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, BBIN, BIMSTEC, Energy, Regional Cooperation, Hydropower, SAARC

November 2017

ADB Holds Regional Cooperation Week; SASEC Team Recognized

ADB held a Regional Cooperation and Integration (RCI) Week to asses strategic RCI themes and initiatives in Asia and the Pacific and to define ADB implementation of its RCI Operational Plan. ADB also presented RCI Best Performers Awards, recognizing the SASEC Program for the SASEC Vision: Powering Asia in the 21st Century, and for leading the SASEC Road Connectivity Investment Program Multitranche Financing Facility Project.

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Tags: ADB, Connectivity, Regional Cooperation, Road, SASEC, Transport

November 2017

Speech: Accelerating RCI in Asia and the Pacific for Economic Growth, Shared Prosperity, and Sustainability

In his keynote address at the ADB Regional Cooperation and Integration Week, ADB President Takehiko Nakao stated that regional cooperation is critical to securing Asia’s economic future. He noted ADB’s continued commitment to support regional cooperation as a means to reduce inequality and overcome infrastructure gaps, and cited specific SASEC projects as effective examples. The ADB Regional Cooperation and Integration Week was held on 27-29 November 2017, in Manila, Philippines.

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Tags: ADB, ASEAN, Economic Corridor Development, Energy, Myanmar, Regional Cooperation, SASEC, Transport, World Bank, WTO

November 2017

Asia-Pacific Ministers Vow to Advance Regional Cooperation to Support SDG Agenda

At the Second Ministerial Conference on Regional Cooperation and Integration (RECI) organized by UNESCAP and ADB, government ministers and participants committed to support the implementation of the agenda for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The ministers said RECI should be consistent with the SDGs in contributing to social progress and environmental sustainability.

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Tags: ADB, Asia-Pacific, Energy, Regional Cooperation, Sustainable Development Goals, Trade Facilitation, Transport, UNESCAP

October 2017

SASEC Program Upgrades to Mobile-Friendly Website with Improved Security

The new-look SASEC website is fully mobile-friendly and automatically adjusts to fit the screen you are using — computer, tablet, or mobile phone—making it a convenient choice for staying in touch with regional cooperation throughout South Asia. SASEC has also updated to HTTPS for enhanced cybersecurity and user privacy.

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Tags: SASEC, ICT, Regional Cooperation, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Maldives

September 2017

New Sri Lanka Foreign Affairs Minister Embarks on a 3-day Visit to India

Mr. Tilak Marapana, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sri Lanka, and Ms. Sushma Swaraj, Minister of External Affairs, India, discussed India-Sri Lanka bilateral relations during Mr. Marapana’s three-day visit to India. He also paid a courtesy call to India Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

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Tags: Sri Lanka, India, Regional Cooperation

August 2017

BIMSTEC Seeks Stronger Ties and Cooperation

The 18th session of the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) Senior Officials' Meeting and the 15th BIMSTEC Ministerial Meeting stressed the importance of cooperation in energy, technology, trade, and transport, through a revitalized, more integrated, and stronger BIMSTEC process. The Joint Statement underscored the need to finalize the BIMSTEC Free Trade Area Agreement.

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Tags: BIMSTEC, Nepal, Bangladesh, Regional Cooperation, Energy, Technology, Trade, Transport, Free Trade Agreement

June 2017

Forum Emphasizes Importance of Cooperation in Regional Initiatives

A forum in Kathmandu, Nepal explored actions that will allow landlocked countries to take advantage of being "land-linked". Mr. Bipul Chatterjee, Executive Director, CUTS International, underscored the importance of cooperation among the four countries to be able to move forward.

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Tags: Nepal, Regional Cooperation, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Infrastructure

June 2017

Nepal-Bangladesh Youth Meet on Promoting Bilateral Trade

The Nepal-Bangladesh Youth Conference 2017 was held in Kathmandu, Nepal, to discuss possible ways to increase bilateral trade between Nepal and Bangladesh. The environment and the economic and business sectors were among the topics tackled at the conference.

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Tags: Bangladesh, Nepal, BBIN, Regional Cooperation, Trade Facilitation

June 2017

India Proposes Regional Air Connectivity Scheme among BIMSTEC Countries

The Government of India has proposed application of its "Ude Desh ka Aam Naagrik" (UDAN) or "Common People of the Country can Fly" policy among member countries of the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC). An enabling regional connectivity policy could help attract high value economic agents, business travelers, and tourists.

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Tags: India, BIMSTEC, Transport, Connectivity, Bhutan, Myanmar, Regional Cooperation

May 2017

ADB Blog: 6 Ways Asian Economic Cooperation is Changing the Region

Economic transformations have accelerated regional cooperation and integration in Asia. In this ADB blog post, Mr. Cuong Minh Nguyen, Principal Regional Integration Specialist, Southeast Asia Department, ADB, discusses six paradigm shifts that are reshaping economic prospects in Southeast Asia, South Asia, and other parts of the region. It also highlights the need for governments to work together to build a socially inclusive, environmentally friendly, and economically sustainable region.

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Tags: ASEAN, SAARC, Trade Facilitation, Transport, Energy, Regional Cooperation

May 2017

Building Stronger Cooperation with BIMSTEC

The Secretary General of Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) advised member countries to look at regional cooperation in a pragmatic way, with efforts to build regional cooperation focusing on achieving practical results, at the conference marking BIMSTEC’s 20th anniversary.

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Tags: BIMSTEC, Trade Facilitation, Transport, Connectivity, Regional Cooperation

May 2017

Regional Cooperation Initiatives to Bolster Greater Male Region Development

Mr. Wencai Zhang, Vice President, Asian Development Bank (ADB), encouraged the active participation of Maldives in regional cooperation programs, in his two-day visit to Male, Maldives. ADB plans to increase support for Maldives in 2018-2019 through its indicative investment program that focuses on developing the Greater Male region, and also includes the SASEC National Window Project.

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Tags: Regional Cooperation, Maldives, Trade Facilitation, Single Window, ADB

May 2017

India, Bangladesh to Gradually Remove NTBs

Mr. Harsh Vardan Shringla, India's High Commissioner to Bangladesh reiterated India's commitment to remove non-tariff barriers (NTBs) through the standard-setting bodies of India and Bangladesh. The Bureau of Indian Standards and the Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution have begun cooperating on certification of goods, to resolve NTB-related export restrictions.

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Tags: Regional Cooperation, India, Bangladesh, Trade Facilitation, Standards Harmonization

May 2017

Watch: Powering Asia in the 21st Century

The SASEC Vision lays out opportunities through industry linkages and regional trade:

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Tags: SASEC 2025, Regional Cooperation, Trade Facilitation, Transport, Energy, Economic Corridor Development

May 2017

SAARC Finance Ministers Meet in Yokohama, Japan

Finance ministers and senior officials of member countries of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka met on 5 May at Yokohama, Japan, at the sidelines of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) 50th Annual General Meeting.

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Tags: ADB, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Central Asia, Climate Change, Energy, India, Maldives, Nepal, Policy, Regional Cooperation, SAARC, SASEC, Sri Lanka, Trade, Transport

April 2017

Connectivity Needed for BIMSTEC to Succeed

The BIMSTEC region hosts 21% of the world’s population and holds great potential for trade. Experts at the Conference on Facilitating Connectivity in Bay of Bengal Region held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, stressed the importance of regional connectivity for BIMSTEC to succeed and to facilitate economic growth among BIMSTEC member countries.

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Tags: BIMSTEC, ASEAN, SAARC, Regional Cooperation, Cooperation, Bangladesh

April 2017

Bangladesh Wants to Be South Asia’s Transport Hub

Bangladesh has the potential to become a transport hub for India, Bhutan, Nepal, Maldives, Sri Lanka, and Myamar, according to Mr. AMA Muhith, Finance Minister, Bangladesh. Turning Bangladesh into a regional and transshipment hub would enhance economic cooperation and result in collective economic growth for the countries, Mr. Muhith said at the SASEC Finance Ministers’ Meeting in New Delhi, India.

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Tags: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Economic Corridor Development, Energy, ICT, India, Nepal, Maldives, Myanmar, SASEC, South Asia, Sri Lanka, Trade Facilitation, Transport, Regional Cooperation

March 2017

SASEC Program Is Now on Facebook

SASEC is now on Facebook, connecting followers to the most up-to-date news on regional cooperation in South Asia, SASEC events, project information, and publications that are all featured daily on To follow SASEC on Facebook, simply click here; then click “Like” at the top of the Facebook page.

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Tags: SASEC, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Regional Cooperation, Trade, Economic cooperation

February 2017

ADB to Increase Support to Nepal to $1.2 Billion

ADB has allocated $843.8 million for Nepal for 2017-2019. An additional $356 million can be made available over the period for projects contributing to regional cooperation and integration and reduction of disaster risks, provided that Nepal continues to improve performance of its ongoing projects, according to Mr. Wencai Zhang, Vice President, ADB. 

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Tags: Nepal, ADB, Regional Cooperation, Infrastructure, Energy

February 2017

Bhutan Prime Minister Meets Incoming ADB Country Director

Bhutan Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay met Ms. Kanokpan Lao-Araya, incoming Country Director, Asian Development Bank (ADB) Bhutan Resident Mission, and Mr. Hun Kim, Director General, ADB South Asia Department in Thimphu, Bhutan, after presentation of Ms. Lao-Araya's credentials to Bhutan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Damcho Dorji. ADB is upgrading Bhutan from a representative office to full-country operations.

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Tags: ADB, Bhutan, Regional Cooperation, South Asia

February 2017

Commentary: India Infrastructure: Connecting Bihar

The Ganges flows through the middle of Bihar, India, physically dividing it into north and south. Enhanced connectivity can improve lives and livelihoods, especially if the infrastructure is climate-sensitive. Ms. Saleha Waseem, Operations Communications Specialist at the Asian Development Bank’s South Asia Regional Department, shows how improving transport links would make a huge difference to millions of people.

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Tags: ADB, Agriculture, Bangladesh, Connectivity, Development, Economic corridor, Regional Cooperation, India, Nepal, Road, Services, Transport

January 2017

Davos 2017: Accelerating South Asia's Growth and Development through Regional Cooperation

The interactive session “Harnessing Regional Cooperation in South Asia” held at the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum discussed how regional economic cooperation is helping accelerate growth and development. Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina emphasized continuous initiatives, in economic cooperation in South Asia, including SAFTA and SASEC. India Minister of State for Commerce and Industry Nirmala Sitharaman lauded initiatives to boost connectivity.

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Tags: South Asia, Regional Cooperation, Trade Facilitation, Transport, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal

January 2017

APTA Member Countries Move to Boost Trade in the Region

Bangladesh, China, India, Laos, South Korea, and Sri Lanka, member countries of the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA), moved to expand trade and boost growth in the region by agreeing to increase the number of products under preferential tariff treatment to 10,677 items from 4,270 at the 4th session of the APTA Ministerial Council.

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Tags: Asia-Pacific, Bangladesh, Development, Regional Cooperation, Services, Sri Lanka, Sustainability, Tariffs, Trade, Trade Facilitation, UNESCAP, India

December 2016

Commentary: Nepal Hydropower to Bring Economic, Social, and Environmental Benefits

Nepal’s hydropower potential could be realized with an efficient technological base, entrepreneurial vision, a coordinated power trading approach, and sustained investment commitment. Hydropower development would bring economic, social, and environmental benefits in Nepal and the rest of the South Asian region. In this speech delivered at the Power Summit, Nepal Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal vowed to support domestic and foreign investors through a policy encouraging investment.

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Tags: Development, Energy, Hydropower, India, Investment, Nepal, Private Sector, Regional Cooperation, Trade

December 2016

ADB Strategic Climate Fund Boosts the Nepal SASEC Power System Expansion Project Fund

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved an additional $20 million for the SASEC Power System Expansion Project in Nepal, to be provided by the ADB Strategic Climate Fund. This additional financing will support installation of utility-scale solar photovoltaic systems by 2018. The Government of Nepal is also providing complementary funding of $24.5 million.

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Tags: Energy, Nepal, Trade, Hydropower, ADB, SASEC, Climate Change, Renewable Energy, Sustainability, Regional Cooperation, Regional Integration, Solar Energy, India

December 2016

4th Regional Customs Enforcement Meeting

The Directorate of Revenue Intelligence under the Central Board of Excise and Customs organized the 4th Regional Customs Enforcement Meeting in New Delhi, India, as part of its Founding Day celebrations. The Heads of Customs Enforcement from Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Mauritius and Maldives were invited to participate in the said Meeting, which discussed issues of mutual concern, noted the need to share information and activate channels of coordination.

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Tags: Customs, Trade Facilitation, South Asia, Regional Cooperation, India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives, Myanmar, Trade

December 2016

Ferry Services between Colombo and Tuticorin Being Planned

The Colombo Shipping Corporation is planning to re-establish ferry linkages under public-private partnership. A SAARC Meeting of Experts from India, Maldives and Sri Lanka, recommended resumption of ferry services between Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka. 

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Tags: ADB, India, Maldives, Public-Private Partnership, Regional Cooperation, SAARC, Sri Lanka, Transport

October 2016

Bangladesh and Nepal Prime Ministers Keen on Hastening South Asian Integration

Bangladesh and Nepal officials have emphasized the need to both hasten and deepen integration among South Asian countries through the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC). Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said the region must work to finalize BIMSTEC Free Trade Area Framework Agreement deals to boost trade in the region. Nepal Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal stated that BIMSTEC can be a dynamic engine for growth and development.

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Tags: Bangladesh, Nepal, BIMSTEC, Regional Cooperation, Free Trade Agreement

September 2016

India Calls on BRICS to Deepen Ties with BIMSTEC Countries

India Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) share the responsibility to shape an agenda to help developing nations. He also spoke of the need to deepen ties with Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) countries.

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Tags: India, BRICS, BIMSTEC, Regional Cooperation

August 2016

Commentary: Is Regional Product Standard at All Feasible?

Absence of a harmonized system of standards among South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) members is one reason for the increase of technical barriers to trade, giving rise to non-tariff barriers that hamper SAARC intra-regional trade. A commentary by Mr. Wasi Ahmed, a former senior trade diplomat, discusses the growing recognition of importance of harmonized regional standards within SAARC.

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Tags: SAARC, Trade, Regional Cooperation, Standards Harmonization, Bangladesh, India

July 2016

Commentary: 800 Million Reasons

Mr. Hun Kim, Director General, South Asia Department, ADB, describes how partnership of 6 South Asian countries through the ADB-supported South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) Program is helping propel economic growth in South Asia, amidst an uncertain regional and global economic climate, by working to increase trade volumes to reduce the number of impoverished people in the region.

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Tags: Regional Cooperation, South Asia, Energy, Trade Facilitation, Transport, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka

June 2016

ADB Blog: Why We Should Be Happy When SASEC Customs Officials Talk More

Meetings between Customs officials from SASEC member countries reaps benefits for the SASEC subregion and beyond, providing a platform for officers to decide the next steps in improving cross-border coordination and cooperation to resolve bottlenecks for trade at the borders. An Asian Development Bank (ADB) blog post by Ms. Rose McKenzie, Senior Regional Cooperation Specialist, Regional Cooperation and Operations Coordination, South Asia Regional Department, ADB, is shared.

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Tags: Customs, Trade Facilitation, Regional Cooperation, ICT, BBIN, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal

June 2016

India Can Gain from Regional Trade in Electricity

Regional trade in power could save India from having to invest in 35,000 megawatts in coal-fire facilities, estimated at $26 billion, over the next 25 years. Through energy trade with Afghanistan, Bhutan, and Nepal, India could benefit from reduced fuel costs and a 6.5% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

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Tags: India, Energy, Regional Cooperation, Renewable Energy

June 2016

Nepal PM Stresses Importance of South Asia Regional Cooperation

Prime Minister of Nepal, Mr. KP Sharma Oli emphasized the importance of enhancing regional cooperation in South Asia, at the June 2016 SAARC Cabinet Secretaries Meeting held in Kathmandu, Nepal, where member states gathered to discuss good governance and how to resolve governance issues in the region.

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Tags: Nepal, SAARC, Governance, Regional Cooperation

June 2016

SAARC CCI and SAARC Development Fund to Co-finance Projects

The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Development Fund (SDF) and SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry have pledged to collaborate and co-finance projects under the SDF's social, economic and infrastructure windows to promote regional connectivity across the SAARC region.

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Tags: SAARC CCI, SAARC, Regional Cooperation, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Trade, Transport

May 2016

King of Bhutan Emphasizes Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal Cooperation

Bangladesh Foreign Minister Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali paid a courtesy call on the King of Bhutan Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck. The King lauded Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's initiatives to boost Bangladesh-Bhutan bilateral relations, and emphasized the Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal (BBIN) cooperation as a platform to achieve regional prosperity.

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Tags: Bhutan, Bangladesh, BBIN, India, Nepal, Transport, Regional Cooperation

May 2016

SASEC Member Countries Urged to Develop Synergies through Cooperation

Mr. Shaktikanta Das, Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs, India called on member countries of the SASEC Program to develop synergies through cooperation, in his inaugural address at the Second Regional Consultation Workshop on SASEC 2025. He also highlighted SASEC's strength as a project-driven initiative.

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Tags: SASEC 2025, Regional Cooperation, Trade Facilitation, BBIN, Poverty Reduction, India

April 2016

Bangladesh Prime Minister, Visiting Indian Minister of State Discuss Cooperation

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina called on neighboring countries to cooperate in the Bangladesh Government's efforts to become a developed nation. In a meeting with India's Minister of State on Independent Charge for Petroleum and Natural Gas, Mr. Dharmendra Pradhan, Prime Minister Hasina emphasized Bangladesh's focus on promoting connectivity.

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Tags: Bangladesh, India, Regional Cooperation, Special Economic Zone, BBIN

March 2016

Bangladesh Prime Minister, Bhutan Queen Mother Discuss Growing Bilateral Ties

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina expressed satisfaction over the growing engagement between Bangladesh and Bhutan. The Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal initiative, according to the Prime Minister, further widens the scope of cooperation between the two countries. The Queen of Bhutan likewise expressed the hope that bilateral relations between the two countries will continue to strengthen.

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Tags: Bangladesh, Bhutan, BBIN, Regional Cooperation

December 2015

Celebrating 30 Years of SAARC

On 8 December 1985, the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Charter was signed by Heads of State/Government of SAARC Member States during the First SAARC Summit held in Dhaka, Bangladesh. SAARC promotes welfare economics, collective self-reliance among the countries of South Asia, and accelerated socio-cultural development in the South Asia region.

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Tags: SAARC, Regional Cooperation, South Asia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Maldives, Sri Lanka

September 2015

Taskforces to Promote SAARC Connectivity and Trade

Taskforces in energy cooperation, trade facilitation, trade infrastructure, foreign direct investment, and people-to-people contact will be formed to promote connectivity and trade in the South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) region. The taskforces will examine key areas for regional cooperation in greater depth.

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Tags: SAARC, Private Sector, Regional Cooperation

September 2015

ADB Study Quantifies How Cross-Border Power Trading can Benefit South Asia

An ADB study has measured the economic and reliability benefits of cross-border electricity trading for countries in South Asia. Findings reveal that power trading in South Asia can not only serve the region's growing demand for energy but also save the region billions of dollars. Recommendations include a market-driven process for cross-border power trading implemented under a regulatory framework across the region.

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Tags: Energy, SAARC, Regional Cooperation

September 2015

Commentary: Why South Asia Needs Regional Integration

Regional cooperation and integration can help improve cross-border connectivity, increase regional trade and investment, mobilize regional savings for regional investment, reduce macroeconomic vulnerability to shocks, facilitate cooperation in regional public goods, and improve the overall governance standards across the region. A commentary on regional integration in South Asia is shared.

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Tags: Regional Cooperation, Regional Integration, Trade Facilitation, Trade

July 2015

BRICS Outlines Economic Cooperation Strategy at Ufa Summit

Prime Minister Narendra Modi outlined a 10-point program for future cooperation, ‘Das Kadam’, proposed during his address at the BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – plenary at the 7th summit in Ufa, Russia. The program included a trade fair, railway research center, and digital initiative, among others. The Economic Cooperation Strategy was also adopted by the world’s five growing economies at the Summit.

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Tags: BRICS, India, Regional Cooperation

April 2015

ADB's 48th Annual Meeting has Regional Cooperation on the Agenda

The 48th Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) will discuss regional developments in Asia and the Pacific on 2-5 May 2015 in Baku, Azerbaijan. Scheduled events will explore the general theme “Fostering Partnership for Development,” including the need to enhance regional cooperation and integration within Central Asia and the South Caucasus.

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Tags: ADB, Regional Cooperation, Central Asia

March 2015

BIMSTEC Finalizes MoU for Inter-regional Power Grid

Senior officials of BIMSTEC countries have finalized a draft deal to set up grid connectivity, allowing its seven member countries to share their surplus electricity with each other. The draft deal came out of the 5th Meeting of the BIMSTEC Task Force on Trans-Power Exchange, and provides a broad framework for grid interconnections across the region. It is estimated that the seven BIMSTEC countries have a combined hydropower potential of about 290,000 MW.

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Tags: Energy, BIMSTEC, Regional Cooperation

February 2015

Nepal Prime Minister Koirala Emphasizes Importance of Regional Cooperation to Nepal's Foreign Policy

Nepal Prime Minister Sushil Koirala emphasized Nepal's strong engagement in the process of regional cooperation—through membership in the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC)—as “a major defining feature” of Nepal's foreign policy in a speech delivered at the 67th anniversary of Nepal Council of World Affairs on 18 February 2015.

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Tags: Nepal, Regional Cooperation, India

January 2015

Bangladesh Potential in Economic Expansion Placed at 7.3%

Asian Development Bank Chief Economist Shang Jin-Wei has put Bangladesh’s potential to grow at 7.3%, above its current average of 6%. Despite its vast infrastructure needs, this makes Bangladesh one of the top 20 global performers in economic expansion. To continue this level of growth, it needs a reliable supply of power to reduce the cost of doing business.

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Tags: Bangladesh, Energy, Regional Cooperation

January 2015

ADB Vice President Speaks at Partnership Summit in India

During Plenary Session 5 of the annual Confederation of Indian Industry Partnership Summit, Asian Development Bank (ADB) Vice President Wencai Zhang spoke on growth and cooperation in South Asia. He emphasized the benefits of regional cooperation and cross-border connectivity such as reduction in trade costs, efficiency, and participation in regional and global value chains.

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Tags: India, Regional Cooperation, Regional Integration

December 2014

Advisory Committee Evaluates SAARC Summit

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Nepal formed an advisory committee on 27 March 2014 to give suggestions in preparation for the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Summit and play a proactive role in the SAARC process, particularly in implementing decisions related to regional integration. On 9 December 2014, the committee evaluated and received feedback on the SAARC Summit, concluding unanimously that the 18th SAARC Summit was a success.

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Tags: Nepal, SAARC, Regional Cooperation

December 2014

SAARC's 30th Charter Day Celebrated

The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) marked its 30th Charter Day at the SAARC Secretariat in Kathmandu, Nepal on 8 December 2014. SAARC Secretary General Arjun Bahadur Thapa hosted a reception attended by Nepali Vice President Paramananda Jha as chief guest along with dignitaries, high-ranking government officials, and representatives of civil society, business community, and media.

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Tags: SAARC, Regional Cooperation, Nepal

November 2014

SAARC Leaders Adopt 36-Point Kathmandu Declaration

The 18th South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Summit concluded on 27 November 2014, adopting the 36-point Kathmandu Declaration, which emphasized enhanced infrastructure connectivity, creation of free trade, implementation of trade facilitation measures, and SAARC project implementation, among others. The Summit launched regional and sub-regional development projects in the agreed areas of cooperation and connectivity.

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Tags: SAARC, Energy, Regional Cooperation

October 2014

Improving Women’s Participation in Regional Cooperation and Integration

The Validation Forum on Gender Dimensions of Regional Cooperation and Integration in South Asia, held on 28-29 October in ADB Headquarters, took stock of progress made in mainstreaming gender in multi-, regional, bilateral and country policies and legal frameworks.

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Tags: Gender, Regional Cooperation, Regional Integration, Trade

October 2014

SAARC Member Countries Officially Invited to 18th SAARC Summit

Nepal Minister for Foreign Affairs Mahendra Bahadur Pandey paid official state visits to Heads of State and member country governments of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) – comprising Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka – to personally submit Nepal Prime Minister Sushil Koirala's invitation letters for the 18th SAARC Summit.

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Tags: SAARC, Regional Cooperation, Regional Integration

October 2014

UNESCAP's Transport Committee Drafts Regional Cooperation Framework for Facilitation of International Railway Transport

A draft Regional Cooperation Framework for Facilitation of International Railway Transport was discussed at a regional meeting organized by the Transport Division of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) on 13-15 October 2014 in Bangkok, Thailand.

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Tags: Transport, Regional Cooperation, UNESCAP

October 2014

SASEC Assists Bangladesh Strengthen Infrastructure Development

The Asian Development Bank’s South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation Program will finance key infrastructure projects worth $492 million under its country operations business plan: the second Bangladesh-India electrical grid interconnection ($105 million), Dohazari-Cox’s Bazar railway link ($217 million), and road and trade facilitation ($170 million).

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Tags: Bangladesh, Regional Cooperation, Energy, Trade Facilitation

September 2014

Gender Dimensions of Regional Cooperation

The South Asia Department of Asian Development Bank (ADB) will host a validation forum on the Gender Dimensions of Regional Cooperation and Integration in South Asia, on 28-29 October 2014 at ADB Headquarters in Manila, Philippines. Results of two complementary studies (i) “Gender, Trade and Green Growth in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal” and (ii) “Gender and Safe Mobility: Promising Global and Regional Practices” will be presented.

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Tags: Gender, Regional Cooperation, South Asia

September 2014

Indian Prime Minister Receives Foreign Minister of Bangladesh

Bangladesh Foreign Minister Mr. Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali visited Prime Minister Shri Narenda Modi in New Delhi for the 3rd Meeting of the India-Bangladesh Joint Consultative Commission (JCC) on 19 September 2014. Foreign Minister Ali expressed appreciation for Prime Minister Modi's leadership and relations with the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation.

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Tags: India, Bangladesh, Regional Cooperation

September 2014

Bangladesh to Sign MOU for Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

Bangladesh has agreed in principle to join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank established by China in early 2014 to invest in infrastructure construction in Asia and promote economic cooperation. Economic Relations Division Secretary Mohammad Mejbahuddin will sign the Memorandum of Understanding in October.

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Tags: Bangladesh, Regional Cooperation, Regional Development Bank

September 2014

11th Asia-Europe Finance Ministers’ Meeting

Finance Ministers and representatives from 49 Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Member Countries and the European Commission attended the ASEM Finance Ministers’ Meeting in Milan, Italy on 12 September 2014. The Ministers renewed their commitment to increased inter-regional investment and trade flows, protectionism resistance, and a successful conclusion to the World Trade Organization Doha Round.

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Tags: Regional Cooperation, WTO, Trade

September 2014

Regional Energy Trade Workshop Held at ADB

The Asian Development Bank held a Regional Energy Trade Workshop at its headquarters in Manila, Philippines on September 8-9, 2014. Mr. Bindu Lohani, ADB Vice President for Knowledge Management and Sustainable Development, delivered the welcoming remarks.

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Tags: Energy, ADB, SAARC, Regional Cooperation

September 2014

Japan Assists Sri Lanka to Become Regional Hub

Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s recent visit to Sri Lanka recognized the country’s promise as a future regional hub. As maritime and agro-based nations, both Japan and Sri Lanka have advantages in developing bilateral trade. Japan will extend its technologies and skills to Sri Lanka, improve infrastructure, and reduce power shortages in the country. Sri Lanka will provide maritime access to huge markets and ensure freedom and safety of navigation in the region.

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Tags: Sri Lanka, Bilateral Trade, Regional Cooperation

August 2014

Stronger Regional Ties Necessary for India's Economic Development

Asian Development Bank President Takehiko Nakao expressed full support for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision of greater regional integration and connectivity at a meeting on August 27 during a 2-day visit to India. Strengthening ties with South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation countries is a focus of Prime Minister Modi's government.

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Tags: ADB, Energy, India, Regional Cooperation

August 2014

Eighth Meeting of SAARC Energy Working Group

The Eighth Meeting of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Energy Working Group was held in Colombo, Sri Lanka on 25-26 August 2014 to discuss regional energy cooperation in South Asia. The meeting requested the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to provide technical assistance in the conduct of a regional transmission master plan study, including a detailed scenario on regional power transmission interconnections.

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Tags: SAARC, Energy, Regional Cooperation

August 2014

'Regional Connectivity for Shared Prosperity': UNESCAP's Roadmap to An Inclusive Future

Economic dynamism in the Asia-Pacific region has been driven primarily by individual economies, yet to ensure sustainable growth in the future, countries must integrate and cooperate to share prosperity, according to the 2014edition of the Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific.

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Tags: Regional Cooperation, Poverty Reduction, UNESCAP, Asia-Pacific, Energy, Connectivity, ICT, LDC, SASEC, Trade, Transport

August 2014

India Extends US$1 Billion Loan to Nepal for Energy, Infrastructure Projects

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a two-day visit to Kathmandu, Nepal on 3-4 August 2014, the first bilateral visit by an Indian Prime Minister in 17 years. At a speech delivered to the Parliament of Nepal, Modi announced India’s desire to help Nepal and offered an additional soft loan of US $1 billion for energy projects and infrastructure development.

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Tags: Energy, India, Nepal, Regional Cooperation, Transport

July 2014
July 2014

Coastal Shipping between Bangladesh and India to Enhance Transport Efficiency, Trade

A coastal shipping arrangement between Bangladesh and India will soon facilitate faster shipment of goods between the two countries, and enable better access to India's northeastern regions. It is also expected to give bilateral trade a boost. Trials runs in Chittagong port and Kolkata port are scheduled to begin by October 14.

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Tags: Transport, Regional Cooperation, Connectivity

July 2014

ARIC Launches RCI Chat

RCI Chat, the monthly newsletter of the Asia Regional Integration Center (ARIC), features the South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation Program in its maiden issue. Subscribe to receive the monthly issue.

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Tags: Regional Cooperation

July 2014

SAARC Workshop on Cross-Border Power Trade

Key energy sector policy makers, regulators and other stakeholders from the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) member countries gathered on 26-27 June 2014, in Kathmandu, Nepal for the SAARC Energy Centre (SEC) Workshop on Harmonizing Regulations and Policies for Cross Border Power Trade, Risk Sharing and Financial Settlement Issues.

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Tags: Energy, SAARC, Regional Cooperation

June 2014

ADB-GIZ Regional Workshop for Green Freight and Logistics

Over 100 participants gathered to discuss green freight and logistics at a regional training workshop organized by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). The workshop took stock of best practices and systematic approaches toward efficient logistics and green freight, and provided a platform to explore multiple initiatives currently being developed in Asia.

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Tags: Transport, Regional Cooperation, Sustainability

June 2014

AmCham in Bangladesh Briefed on SASEC and Regional Cooperation

The American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) in Bangladesh was briefed by Mr. Kazuhiko Higuchi, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Country Director for Bangladesh, and chief guest at AmCham’s monthly meeting on 26 June 2014.

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Tags: Regional Cooperation, Bangladesh, American Chamber of Commerce

May 2014

From 4 Strands to 6: New SASEC Logo Launched

The new SASEC logo unveiled in May reflects the inclusion of the Maldives and Sri Lanka into the SASEC program. It also represents the continuous commitment of SASEC to strengthen regional cooperation and integration in South Asia.

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Tags: Regional Cooperation, Regional Integration, Connectivity

May 2014

The Maldives and Sri Lanka Join SASEC Program

Nodal officials of the founding SASEC member countries — Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal — endorsed inclusion of the Maldives and Sri Lanka as new members at the SASEC Nodal Officials’ Meeting 2014 in Astana on May 3.

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Tags: Regional Cooperation, Sri Lanka, Maldives

May 2014

SASEC Trade Facilitation Strategic Framework 2014–2018 Endorsed by Members

SASEC countries Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal have endorsed the SASEC Trade Facilitation Strategic Framework 2014–2018 (TF Strategy) for implementation.  The TF Strategy supports the mission of the SASEC Transport and Trade Facilitation Strategy “to promote the prosperity of the subregion by facilitating the efficient movement of trade across the borders”.

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Tags: Trade Facilitation, Regional Cooperation, South Asia

April 2014

Regional Cooperation in a Highly Interconnected World

The Asian Economic Integration Monitor (AEIM), a semiannual review of regional economic cooperation and integration in Asia covers regional economic updates, intraregional trade, financial integration and investment, and the importance of disaster risk financing instruments. The Theme Chapter: Insuring Against Asia’s Natural Catastrophes discusses market solutions and the role of government in developing disaster risk financing and strengthening financial resilience.

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Tags: Regional Cooperation, Trade, Financial integration

February 2014

SAARC Development Fund Brainstorming Workshop for Evolving Strategic Plan

The South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Development Fund met on 12-14 February 2014 in New Delhi, India to brainstorm on its evolving strategic plan. It reviewed the purpose, methodology, and sustainability of social window activities; explored fund-raising opportunities and loan instruments; and prioritized projects for funding.

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Tags: SAARC, Regional Cooperation, Connectivity

February 2014

ADB Approves $500,000 for SASEC Cross-Border Power Trade Development Technical Assistance Project

The Asian Development Bank has approved technical assistance of $500,000 for SASEC member countries to develop a comprehensive long-term regional transmission master plan for the region to more effectively coordinate power generation and transmission. The project aims to improve the planning and coordination capacity of SASEC countries to foster cross-border power trading.

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Tags: Energy, Regional Cooperation, Trade

January 2014

ADB Regional Cooperation Operations Business Plan (RCOBP) 2014-2016 for South Asia

ADB's third Regional Cooperation Operations Business Plan (RCOBP) 2014-2016 for South Asia under its South Asia Regional Cooperation Strategy (RCS) 2011-2015 details a cumulative indicative lending program of $3.3 billion and maintains focus on improved regional connectivity, increased cross-border trade, and strengthened regional economic cooperation.

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Tags: Regional Cooperation, South Asia, Infrastructure

October 2012

Asia-Pacific Trade Facilitation Forum 2012

ADB in cooperation with UNESCAP organized the Asia-Pacific Trade Facilitation Forum (APTFF) held on 30-31 October 2012.

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Tags: ADB, Asia-Pacific, Development, Regional Cooperation, SASEC, South Asia, Sri Lanka, Trade Facilitation, UNESCAP

October 2012

South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation Transmission Utility Forum

Many countries in the South Asia region face the challenges of energy shortages as they gear up for higher economic growth.

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Tags: Energy, Regional Cooperation, SASEC, South Asia, Sri Lanka

June 2012

SAARC Statistical Workshop

SAARC Secretariat to conduct a study for the development of a web-based user-protected interface and the institution of a designated Statistics Cell.

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Tags: Bhutan, Economic cooperation, Regional Cooperation, Regional Integration, SAARC

June 2012

SAARC and ADB Workshop

A SAARC-ADB workshop held at the SAARC Secretariat Kathmandu on 21-22 June finalized the drafts of three studies.

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Tags: ADB, Economic cooperation, Regional Cooperation, Regional Integration, Nepal, SAARC, Services, Trade

May 2012

SASEC Nodal Officials Meeting

The Nodal Officials of the SASEC Program met at the sidelines of the 45th ADB Annual Meeting in Manila on 3 May 2012.

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Tags: ADB, Energy, ICT, Regional Cooperation, SASEC, South Asia, Trade Facilitation, Transport

May 2012

SAARC Finance Ministers Meet in Manila

SAARC Finance Ministers met at an informal meeting in Manila on 3 May 2012 on the sidelines of the 45th ADB Annual Meeting.

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Tags: Economic cooperation, Regional Cooperation, ADB, Regional Integration, SAARC, South Asia, Trade

March 2012

Kunming Conference

About 160 officials from 30 countries participated in the ADB conference on RCI held on 26-27 March in the PRC.

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Tags: ADB, Climate Change, Economic corridor, Environment, Regional Cooperation, Regional Integration, South Asia, Sustainability, Transport, Trade Facilitation