Trade Facilitation Results

Trade facilitation focuses on removing barriers to the international movement of goods to lower trade costs, at and around the borders, and along the supply chain, to make countries more competitive in regional and global markets. In the SASEC subregion, bottlenecks in trade facilitation are the leading non-tariff barriers that constrain intraregional trade. SASEC initiatives in trade facilitation aims to make cross-border trade and transport in the subregion faster, cheaper, and more predictable, while maintaining the security of the supply chain and ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of the institutions involved.


total items: 289
India Prime Minister Modi Inaugurates Third Land Port in Tripura, India

India Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually inaugurated the third Land Port at Sabroom, Tripura, where he emphasized the importance of developing India’s northeastern region. The Sabroom Land Port is expected to boost trade and commerce with Southeast Asian countries via the Chattogram port in Bangladesh. 

Sabroom ICP to Elevate India-Bangladesh Trade Relations

The new Integrated Checkpost (ICP) at Sabroom in Tripura, India, and its counterpart in Ramgarh Upazila, Bandarban, Bangladesh, is set to usher in a transformative phase in the trade dynamics between India and Bangladesh. The Sabroom ICP is designed to be a comprehensive terminal and logistics hub.

Bangladesh to Roll Out First Phase of National Single Window Services in Early 2024

The National Board of Revenue (NBR) of the Government of Bangladesh is set to open the first phase of its National Single Window (NSW) services to expedite export-import trade. NBR plans to roll out the Users Acceptance Test of select certificate-licensing and permit-issuing agencies for NSW in January 2024.

Gelephu Smart City Project to Boost Foreign Investments in Bhutan, Strengthen Regional Connectivity

Bhutan will build the Gelephu Smart City Project in the Gelephu Special Administrative Region to facilitate more foreign investment for the country.

Bangladesh-India Joint Venture to Boost Bangladesh Logistics Infrastructure

Pristine Logistics & Infraprojects of India, a rail terminal operator, has entered a joint venture with Summit Alliance Port of Bangladesh, which handles over 25% of export cargo and 15% of import cargo of Bangladesh’s containerized volume.

Cargo Movement from India’s Northeastern Region to Kolkata via Bangladesh to Commence Soon

Regular cargo movement from India’s northeastern region to the Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port (SMP) in Kolkata through Bangladesh is set to commence soon.

14th Bangladesh–India Joint Group of Customs Meeting Held

The Governments of Bangladesh and India held their 14th Bangladesh–India Joint Group of Customs (JGC) meeting on 21–22 August 2023 in New Delhi, India. The meeting discussed several matters of bilateral importance, including the opening of new land customs stations, easing port restrictions, development of road and rail infrastructure, pre-arrival exchange of customs data, and a bilateral agreement on customs cooperation.

Commentary: Is the Akhaura-Agartala Railway Capable of Becoming a Milestone in India-Bangladesh?

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expected to inaugurate the Akhaura-Agartala rail line in September 2023. The railway will reduce travel time between Agartala and Kolkata from 31 hours to 10 hours, opening up opportunities for trade, tourism, and cultural exchange.

Nepal Trade Integration Strategy 2023 Expands Promising Export List to 32

The new Nepal Trade Integration Strategy (NTIS) 2023 expands the list of promising export products and services from Nepal to 32, from 12 in the NTIS 2016. Implemented in July, the new products in the latest trade strategy include electricity in the service export category. NTIS 2023 aims to increase the country’s trade-to-GDP ratio to 55% by 2026.

ADB to Support Improved Customs and Logistics in Nepal

ADB approved a project loan to support continuing reforms in Nepal customs. The financing assistance worth $50 million will enhance policy reforms in customs and logistics to help boost the country’s domestic and international trade. The program will help implement the Government of Nepal’s Customs Reform and Modernization Plan 2021-2026 and improve the country's trade logistics through the preparation and implementation of a new Trade Logistics Policy 2022.

Bangladesh Commerce Minister Urges Bangladesh and Bhutan Private Sector to Lead Trade Expansion

Mr. Tipu Munshi, Commerce Minister of the Government of Bangladesh, invited Bhutan to build an economic zone in Bangladesh to boost the trade relationship between the two countries. He also encouraged businesses from Bangladesh and Bhutan to lead the trade expansion by establishing strong relationships with each other to reap the benefits of their preferential trade and transit agreements.

Pasakha Mega Dry Port Construction On Track

Construction of the mega dry port at Pasakha, Phuentsholing, is on track, amid challenges faced during the COVID-19 pandemic. Work on the dry port began in 2020 and has achieved almost 45% completion. The aim is to complete the dry port by mid-2026.

Petrapole ICP to Build a Second Cargo Gate

Mr. Amit Shah, Home Minister of the Government of India, laid the foundation stone for the second cargo gate at the Integrated Check Post (ICP) of Petrapole on 9 May 2023. This will enhance border connectivity in the busy ICP where around 30% of land-based trade between Bangladesh and India take place.

Government of Bhutan Approves Accession to the WTO

The Government of Bhutan has approved the country’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) on 28 April 2023. By joining the WTO, Bhutan will be able to take advantage of benefits, including special and differential treatment provisions for countries newly graduated from least developed country (LDC) status. Bhutan is set to graduate from LDC status in December 2023.

New Bhutan-India ICP to Ease Movement of Goods and People

The Government of India is constructing an Integrated Checkpost (ICP) at Alay, Pasakha, Bhutan, to ease the movement of goods and people between Bhutan and India. Located between the busy trading points of Jaigaon, India, and Phuentsholing, Bhutan, the ICP aims to promote further trade between the two countries.

Bangladesh and Bhutan Sign Agreement on the Movement of Traffic-in-Transit and Protocol

The Governments of Bangladesh and Bhutan signed the "Agreement on the Movement of Traffic-in-Transit and Protocol" on 22 March 2023 in Thimphu, Bhutan. This will open multimodal transit facilities to landlocked Bhutan, providing them access to Mongla, Payra, and Chattogram ports of Bangladesh for the movement of their imported and export-oriented goods.

India Allows Transshipment of Bangladesh Exports via Delhi Air Cargo

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) of the Government of India has amended Circular 29/2020-Customs to allow the transshipment of Bangladesh export cargo to third countries via Delhi Air Cargo beginning 15 February 2023. Previously, air transshipment of Bangladesh export cargo to third countries was conducted only via the Kolkata air cargo complex.

Bangladesh Re-opens Banglabandha Land Port to Acrylic Yarn Import from Nepal

Bangladesh has opened its Banglabandha Land Port for the import of acrylic yarn from Nepal, ending a 17-year-long restriction. A statutory regulatory order was issued by Bangladesh's National Board of Revenue on the matter.

Bhutan and India Add Two More Trade Routes

Two new formal trade points between Bhutan and India have been approved—in Bhutan's Lhamoidzingkha, Dagana, and in Chhuchungsa, Samtse. These would be operational after their official inauguration. Bhutan also recently inaugurated a new north-south road corridor with links to Lhamoizingkha.

Trial Runs to Link India's Northeastern Region via Bangladesh Ports Concludes

The fourth and final trial run to connect Bangladesh’s Chattogram and Mongla ports to India’s northeastern states via the India–Bangladesh Protocol Route concluded on 7 November 2022, ahead of its December schedule. The trial runs were conducted to iron out issues related to transshipment of goods, and align the immigration and customs arrangements in both countries.

Commentary: A Framework for Enhanced Trade Facilitation in the Bay of Bengal Region

Promote remote processing of cargo clearances and modernize border facilities to improve intraregional trade in BIMSTEC. This article appears on Development Asia.

Bangladesh-Bhutan Meeting Endorses Bhutan's Transit of Goods through Bangladesh

The 8th Commerce Secretary Level Meeting (CSLM) between Bangladesh and Bhutan endorsed the Agreement on Movement of Traffic-in-Transit and its Protocol for signing; the renewal of the memorandum of understanding on the use of inland waterways; and the signing of the amended Standard Operating Procedure (SoP) with regard to the MoU on the use of inland waterways.

ADB Commits Continued Support for Bangladesh’s Post-pandemic Recovery

ADB has committed continued support for the improvement of Bangladesh’s key infrastructures as the country carries on its path of post-pandemic recovery. ADB’s 2023–2025 lending pipeline for Bangladesh stands at approximately $9.4 billion for 44 projects. This includes development of roads and railway corridors that will be complemented by necessary reforms to facilitate inter-regional trade.

Planned Trial Runs Set to Help Smoothen Transshipment of Cargo to India’s Northeastern Region via Bangladesh

The Governments of Bangladesh and India are preparing to conduct comprehensive trial runs for the transshipment of cargo to India's northeastern regions via Bangladesh’s Chattogram and Mongla ports. The planned trial runs aim to iron out issues and align the immigration and customs arrangements in both countries.

Business Conclave Emphasizes Siliguri’s Potential as Subregion’s Logistics Hub

The potential of the Siliguri corridor and its surroundings to be developed as a logistics hub for India’s northeastern region, and Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal, was emphasized by the CII at Logi Connect 2022. Developing Siliguri as a logistic hub would facilitate movement of goods to other states of India and its neighboring countries.

ADB, Bangladesh Sign $143 Million Trade Facilitation Project

ADB and the Government of Bangladesh have signed a loan agreement to improve cross-border trade in Bangladesh. The $143-million policy-based loan aims to improve the volume, efficiency, predictability, and security of cross-border trade in Bangladesh.

India Sets Up National Food Laboratory in Bihar

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) inaugurated the new National Food Laboratory (NFL) in Raxaul, Bihar, on 5 June 2022. The facility is equipped with advanced technology and infrastructure, capable of testing food samples exported from both India and Nepal.

Bangladesh ECNEC Approves the SASEC Integrated Trade Facilitation Sector Development Program

The Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC) has approved the SASEC Integrated Trade Facilitation Sector Development Project: Bangladesh Land Port Authority (BLPA) Part with Tk 2.17 billion (around $23.47 million) and SASEC Integrated Trade Facilitation Sector Development Project with Tk 3.13 billion (around $33.85 million).

NADI Conclave Highlights Transformative Potential of India's Northeastern Region's Increased Connectivity

Mr. S. Jaishankar, External Affairs Minister of the Government of India, highlighted in his inaugural address at the Natural Allies in Development and Interdependence (NADI) Asian Confluence River Conclave 2022 the importance of connectivity. He underscored that the coming together of the “Act East” and the “Neighborhood First” policies have an enormous impact extending beyond South Asia.

CBIC to Allow Import of Bangladesh Goods via Returning Rail Cargo

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) of India has released guidelines allowing import of Bangladesh goods onboard sealed containers that are returning to India by rail after delivering export goods to Bangladesh.

Inter-Ministerial Coordination Group Formed to Further Mainstream India's "Neighborhood First" Policy

Mr. Harsh Vardhan Shringla, Foreign Secretary of the Government of India, convened the first meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Coordination Group (IMCG) on 12 April 2022. The IMCG is a high-level mechanism aimed at mainstreaming India’s "Neighborhood First" policy that aims to build greater connectivity, forge stronger inter-linkages, and greater people-to-people contact.

ADB Loan Package to Strengthen Bangladesh’s Cross-border Trade

ADB supports the improvement of efficiency, predictability, and security of Bangladesh’s cross-border trade, approving a $143 million loan package that will contribute in accelerating the country’s growth. Bangladesh: SASEC Integrated Trade Facilitation Sector Development Program includes a $90 million policy-based loan and a $53 million project loan.

Planned ICP to Turn Sabroom into Logistics Hub for India’s Northeastern Region

The Land Ports Authority of India aims to establish an Integrated Check Post (ICP) in Sabroom (India) by the end of 2022. This ICP is envisioned to facilitate seamless trade and people-to-people movement with Bangladesh. Sabroom is a border town in the South Tripura district.

Bangladesh NBR Highlights Roadmap to Modernize Border Customs Ports in Meeting with WTO

The National Board of Revenue (NBR) of Government of Bangladesh and the World Trade Organization (WTO) held a meeting on 16 March 2022 on the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement. The NBR highlighted the roadmap developed to modernize Bangladesh’s border customs ports. The NBR has formed a customs legal framework that complies with international standards, and is developing an e-payment system and would adopt an ECTS.

Proposed ADB Project to Enhance Bangladesh's Land Ports Can Boost Foreign Trade

Bangladesh's foreign trade volume will increase by 50%, cargo shipment-and customs-clearance time will decrease by 50%, and smuggling will be prevented if the Government of Bangladesh undertakes customs reform and improvement in trade facilitation, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) noted to the Government of Bangladesh.

"Integrating BIMSTEC 2022" Highlights Need for Common Platform for Paperless Trade

The Indian Chamber of Commerce organized "Integrating BIMSTEC 2022," in collaboration with the Government of India, on the importance of creating a common platform for BIMSTEC countries to participate and carry forward paperless trade.

Nepal Launches Customs Duty e-Payment System

Nepal’s Ministry of Finance launched the e-payment system for customs duty on the 70th International Customs Day. The system enables traders to pay their customs duty online. According to Mr. Janardan Sharma, Minister for Finance of the Government of Nepal, this will facilitate the collection of revenues.

India Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs Highlights Leveraging Technology for Trade Facilitation

On International Customs Day, the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) of the Government of India highlighted how Indian Customs is leveraging technology for trade facilitation. Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman, Minister for Finance and Corporate Affairs of the Government of India, recognized CBIC's focus on building a digital culture and enacting rapid digital transformation.

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Meets with Maldives President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Maldives President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih held bilateral talks on 23 December 2021 at the President’s Office in Malé, Maldives. They discussed matters of mutual interest and emphasized the importance of signing a Preferential Trade Agreement.

Bangladesh’s National Board of Revenue Proposes Trade Facilitation Development under the SASEC Program

The National Board of Revenue (NBR) of the Government of Bangladesh has drafted a proposal to upgrade trade infrastructure and three priority land ports to improve trade with its neighbors in the subregion. The NBR submitted the proposal for the project “Integrated Trade Facilitation Development under the SASEC Development Program” to the country’s Planning Commission.

Bangladesh and Nepal Preferential Trade Agreement in Final Stage

The Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI) and the Nepal Confederation of Nepalese Industries (CNI) signed a memorandum of cooperation. Mr. Tapan Kanti Ghosh, Commerce Secretary of the Government of Bangladesh, spoke as the chief guest. In his remarks, he noted that the Preferential Trade Agreement between Bangladesh and Nepal is in the final stage.

Bangladesh and Nepal Preferential Trade Agreement in Final Stage

The Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI) and the Nepal Confederation of Nepalese Industries (CNI) signed a memorandum of cooperation. Mr. Tapan Kanti Ghosh, Commerce Secretary of the Government of Bangladesh, spoke as the chief guest. In his remarks, he noted that the Preferential Trade Agreement between Bangladesh and Nepal is in the final stage.

Commentary: Bangladesh Needs to Expand Trade with Its Neighbors

Bangladesh's trade with its neighbors accounts for only 10% of national trade. Mr. Yasushi Tanaka, Principal Transport Specialist, Transport and Communications Division, South Asia Department, ADB, explains how small investments in land customs stations and land ports, trade facilitation policy reforms, and cooperation between government agencies can help make Bangladesh a trade and transport hub in South Asia. This commentary first appeared on the ADB blog.

West Bengal to Strengthen Subregional Connectivity with 7 Planned ICPs

The Government of West Bengal, India, will set up seven Integrated Check Posts (ICPs), which includes five ICPS on borders with Bangladesh and one each on borders with Bhutan and Nepal, according to the Land Port Authority of India.

Seven Additional Entry/Exit Points for Bhutan-India Trade

The Governments of Bhutan and India agreed to open seven more entry and exit points to further increase trade and connectivity. The two countries formalized the agreement through Letters of Exchange, forming an addendum to the 2016 Protocol of India-Bhutan Agreement on Trade, Commerce, and Transit.

Nepal Enacts Sixth Customs Reform and Modernization Plan

The Ministry of Finance of the Government of Nepal launched the Sixth Customs Reform and Modernization Plan. It emphasizes (i) trade facilitation, (ii) realistic revenue collection, (iii) protection and security of society, (iv) automated customs system, and (v) organizational development and capacity building.

Commentary: India's Integrated Check Posts Are Boosting Regional Connectivity But Challenges Remain

Ms. Riya Sinha, researcher for Research Associate at the Centre for Social and Economic Progress, New Delhi, looks at the increasing trade and passenger movement between India and neighbors Nepal, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, and examines Delhi's push for border infrastructure development. This is an excerpt from a piece that appears on The Print.

Proposed Revisions for the India-Nepal Railway Service Agreement to Allow Other Operators, Utilize Other Border Points

A Letter of Exchange for the revision of the Railway Service Agreement between Nepal and India proposes to allow all authorized private container train operators from India and Nepal to utilize the Indian Railway network to transport freight containers for Nepal's imports or exports, and transport goods to and/or from other border points besides Raxaul (India)/Birgunj (Nepal).

Bhutan's Bicameral Parliament Passes Customs Bill 2021

Bhutan’s Houses of Parliament, the National Council (Upper House) and the National Assembly (Lower House), have passed the Customs Bill 2021.

Vaccination for Truckers Engaged in Cross-border Transit of Goods Prioritized

India’s Ministry of External Affairs has directed states that share borders with Bangladesh to make vaccination for truckers a priority.

Bangladesh Eyes Resort and Leisure Wear Exports to Maldives

Bangladesh is looking to produce resort wear and leisure apparel for Maldives. Mr. Faruque Hassan, President of BGMEA discussed the potential of tapping this Maldives market with Mr. Shiruzimath Sameer, Bangladesh High Commissioner to Maldives.

Benapole Railway Station being Improved to Serve Rising Rail Imports

Import of goods from India to Bangladesh by trains have seen a significant rise during the coronavirus pandemic. To serve the growing demand for imports by rail and smoothen the transit of goods, work on a double railway line from the Petrapole port in India to the Benapole railway station in Bangladesh has commenced.

Benapole Railway Station being Improved to Serve Rising Rail Imports

Import of goods from India to Bangladesh by trains have seen a significant rise during the coronavirus pandemic. To serve the growing demand for imports by rail and smoothen the transit of goods, work on a double railway line from the Petrapole port in India to the Benapole railway station in Bangladesh has commenced.

Bangladesh and Sri Lanka to Begin Negotiations to Sign a Preferential Trade Agreement

The Government of Bangladesh plans to begin negotiations with Sri Lanka to sign a preferential trade agreement by July. Both countries aim to increase their bilateral trade volume.

Bangladesh Drafts Rules on the Faster Release and Disposal of Perishable Goods

The National Board of Revenue of the Government of Bangladesh has finalized the draft rules on the faster release and disposal of perishable goods aimed at keeping the quality and standards of perishable goods. The rules specify provisions to release goods within 48 hours of the submission of bill of entry of imported goods.

ADB Drafts Action Plan to Improve Service Delivery of Bangladesh Customs

The Asian Development Bank (ADB), in consultation with Bangladesh’s National Board of Revenue (NBR), has prepared an action plan in line with the Customs Modernization Plan 2019-2022 of Bangladesh,. ADB supports the improvement of Bangladesh's trade facilitation environment.

Trade Facilitation Needed for Sri Lanka's Food Security

Sri Lanka needs regional and cross-border food trade facilitation to ensure food security, according to the latest report of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka needs to improve warehousing and storage facilities, including cold storage. The country also needs to boost packaging and transportation services in the medium to long-term.

Trade Facilitation Mobile App Launched in India

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry of the Government of India has launched a Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) Trade Facilitation Mobile App. India aims to move toward paperless, automated processing systems, simple procedures, online data exchange between departments, and digital payments and acknowledgements.

Commentary: Building Seamless Transport Connectivity in the Bay of Bengal Region

Enhancing transport and trade linkages between and across the countries in the Bay of Bengal region requires a strategic master plan. The master plan will guide the countries' actions and build on synergies among various connectivity frameworks. This commentary appears on the Development Asia website.

17th BIMSTEC Ministerial Meeting Finalizes BIMSTEC Master Plan for Transport Connectivity

Foreign Ministers of the Bay of Bengal Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) grouping finalized the BIMSTEC Master Plan for Transport Connectivity at the 17th BIMSTEC Ministerial Meeting held on 1 April 2021. The master plan will be endorsed for adoption in the next BIMSTEC summit to be hosted by the Government of Sri Lanka later this year.

Bangladesh and India Reiterate Strengthening Trade, Energy Cooperation, and Connectivity for Bilateral, Subregional Benefit

India Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid a state visit to Bangladesh on 26-27 March 2021 to join celebrations for the golden jubilee of Bangladesh’s independence and the birth centenary of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Bangladesh and India are also commemorating 50 years since the establishment of their diplomatic relations.

Bangladesh, Nepal Sign MoUs Boosting Sanitary and Phytosanitary Cooperation and Railway Connectivity

The Governments of Bangladesh and Nepal signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Strengthening Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Cooperation on 22 March 2021. SPS, as well as technical barriers to trade (TBT), serves as critical nontariff measures that constrain trade in the SASEC subregion.

India, SpiceJet Multimodal Transport Project Carries Cargo from Dhaka to Spain

A multimodal transport project initiative of the Ministry of Civil Aviation of the Government of India, the Airports Authority of India Cargo Logistics and Allied Services Company Limited, and SpiceXpress, the air cargo division of SpiceJet, transported 48 tonnes of cargo from Dhaka, Bangladesh, to Spain.

Sri Lanka Launches Improved Trade Information Portal

The Sri Lanka Department of Commerce launched in Colombo an enhanced trade information portal, which provides information on the country’s trade procedures. The portal benefits traders by providing transparent and up-to-date information on trade procedures and requirements.

Bangladesh for Discussions with India to Remove Non-tariff Barriers

Mr. Tipu Munshi, Minister of Commerce of the Government of Bangladesh, called for more discussions between Bangladesh and India on the removal of non-tariff barriers to further grow their bilateral trade. There is ample opportunity to boost trade by removing non-tariff barriers. Improving customs facilities in bordering areas could also further increase bilateral trade between the two countries.

Webinar Deliberates on Gender Dimensions of Trade Facilitation in the BBIN Subregion

A webinar organized by CUTS International on 30 October 2020 deliberated the findings of the project, ‘Gender Dimensions of Trade Facilitation in the Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal (BBIN) Subregion.’ The work undertaken by CUTS reveals that the absence of gender responsive trade facilitation measures helps exacerbate gender inequality.

Sri Lanka Customs Offers Efficient, Safe Services during Pandemic with Digital Tools

Digital tools have helped Sri Lanka Customs provide efficient services to its users while maintaining health protocols to prevent the further spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Sri Lanka Customs has embarked on several modernization processes, which have helped maintain social distancing.

Bangladesh, India Complete Trial Run on the Daudkandi–Sonamura Waterway Route

A trial run for the first export consignment from Bangladesh to Tripura, India, through inland waterways was conducted on 3–5 September 2020. The barge traveled 93 kilometers along the Meghna-Gomati river route carrying 50 tons of cement.

SASEC Road and Rail Projects in Bangladesh Scheduled for 2021-2023

ADB has a redesigned financing plan to help Bangladesh recover from the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Under the Country Operations Business Plan for 2021 to 2023, ADB's financing priorities in Bangladesh have been adjusted to include more than $11 billion in policy-based loans for social protection, economic recovery, and health programs. The plan includes support for SASEC road corridors, rail projects, and trade facilitation programs.

India, Bhutan Open Temporary Trade Route in Pasakha

The Government of India has opened an additional Land Customs station at Ahlay, Pasakha, in response to a request from the Government of Bhutan. The temporary alternate trade route hopes to decongest vehicular traffic along the Jaigaon-Phuentsholing route, and boost bilateral trade and commerce between the two nations.

Strengthening Value Chain Linkages to Help Bangladesh and India Recover: Webinar

The Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI) proposed a Bilateral Value Chain Initiative (BVCI) as a way forward in Bangladesh-India business relations. Under a proposed memorandum of understanding between FBCCI and the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), raw materials from India will be transported to Bangladesh for production.

Trade Resumes at the Phulbari Land Port

Cross-border trade between India and Bangladesh through the Phulbari land port (India) and the Banglabandha land port (Bangladesh) resumed on 13 June 2020. On the day the land port reopened, 63 trucks carrying boulders went into Bangladesh. Boulders are mainly exported to Bangladesh from India and Bhutan through Phulbari.

India Rolls Out Faceless Assessment for Imports

India’s Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) began rolling out the faceless assessment process on 8 June, starting with Chennai and Bengaluru. The implementation is being done in a phased manner, with the aim of making it the norm in the country by 31 December. Faceless assessment enables the assessing officer to examine a bill of entry from any customs station, as assigned by the customs automated system.

Border Closure Affects India–Myanmar Trade

Border trade between India and Myanmar slowed down by over 40% for the current fiscal year, due to the temporary closure of border posts because of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak. The value of trade went down from $128 million to $76 million noted Thura Swiss, the agency that conducted the research.

Trade Resumes at the Petrapole Integrated Check Post

Bilateral trade resumed through the Petrapole Integrated Check Post at the India-Bangladesh border in West Bengal on 7 June 2020. As safety protocol, drivers from India are only allowed up to 500 meters inside the Bangladesh port area. They are given personal protective equipment (PPEs), hand gloves, and masks. They need to remain in their vehicles during unloading. Empty trucks need to be sanitized.

SASEC Projects in 2019 Build Economic Connectivity

ADB helps foster regional cooperation and integration through its support of the SASEC Program. In 2019, ADB committed $495 million to reduce travel times along regional corridors connecting Nepal with India and Bangladesh and improve connections to Sri Lanka’s international port under the SASEC Program.

Bangladesh, India Add Water Routes for Trade

Bangladesh and India signed the second addendum to the Protocol on Inland Water Transit and Trade to add two new water routes and 10 ports of call between the two countries. The new routes and ports will improve connectivity, facilitate trade, and spur economic development.

LPAI Lauded for Infrastructure for Facilitation of Cross-Border Trade

Union Minister of State for Home Affairs Mr. Shri Nityanand Rai lauded the Land Ports Authority of India (LPAI) for work on border infrastructure for facilitation of cross-border trade and travel.

Bangladesh to Implement Initiatives to Expedite Trade Procedures

The Government of Bangladesh will introduce procedures to fast-track processing of cross-border trade in Bangladeshi ports. Beginning July, Bangladesh will implement a pre-arrival processing of import documents. Once this is in place, cargo shippers will need to submit an import general manifest and bill of lading to the Customs authority for processing once they depart a port en route to Bangladesh’s ports.

Inland Waterways to Help Channel Economic Activity along the Ganga River

Inland waterways is an important pillar of ‘Arth-Ganga,’ a project that aims to channelize economic activity along the banks of Ganga River to promote inclusive growth for India and generate enormous employment opportunities. The project is being implemented by the Ministry of Shipping of the Government of India.

ADB to Support SASEC Trade Facilitation Project in Bangladesh

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) will support trade facilitation in Bangladesh under the South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) program. A proposed project aims to ease transborder and regional trade through infrastructure development and regulatory reforms.

India Plans National Logistics Policy to Bring Down Logistics Cost

The Government of India plans to implement a National Logistics policy to help bring down the logistics cost by 10%, according to Mr. Piyush Goyal, Minister of Commerce and Industry and Railways of the Government of India. The proposed policy was sent to the Cabinet for approval.

Nepali Importers Get Cargo Duty Insurance Subsidy in Kolkata

The Kolkata Customs of the Government of India has granted an 84.33% subsidy for Nepali cargo duty insurance. Nepali importers were also provided the flexibility to buy insurance from private companies beginning 12 September.

Construction of Port Access Elevated Highway Project in Sri Lanka Begins

Construction of Colombo's first elevated highway commenced on 10 September 2019 with Sri Lanka Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe laying the foundation stone to mark the start of construction. The project will help alleviate traffic congestion in Colombo’s densely populated areas, improve last-mile connectivity between the country’s expressway network and Colombo’s international port, provide better logistics services for freight operations, and facilitate regional trade.

India-Nepal Joint Commission Meeting Expresses Satisfaction Over Progress of Projects

The Fifth Meeting of the India-Nepal Joint Commission reviewed bilateral relations, and areas of cooperation. The delegations expressed satisfaction over progress of ongoing projects. They agreed to expedite the early completion of remaining agreed projects, and pledged to conclude the review of treaties and agreements related to the trade, transit, and rail services early.

Bangladesh Mulls Constructing New Pipeline to Import LNG

The Government of Bangladesh is considering the construction of a new pipeline to import liquefied natural gas (LNG) from India. According to Mr. Nasrul Hamid, State Minister for Power, Energy, and Mineral Resources of the Government of Bangladesh, the country’s Gas Transmission Company Limited plans to install the pipeline near the Satkhira border. This will help supply fuel-based power plants and industries in the southeastern region of Bangladesh.

Maldives Signs $10 million National Single Window Project with ADB

The Government of Maldives has signed a $10 million project with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for its National Single Window Project. The agreement was signed at the sidelines of the Maldives Partnership Forum by Finance Minister Ibrahim Ameer and Mr. Ronald Butiong, Director for Regional Cooperation and Operations Coordination, South Asia Department, ADB.

ADB to Help Maldives Establish A National Single Window

The Asian Development Bank approved the proposed financing for the Maldives: SASEC National Single Window Project worth $11 million. This project will introduce a single electronic platform in Maldives to improve the speed and efficiency of cross-border control procedures by employing the latest technology. This project will improve the trade environment of Maldives, and help expand its trade with partners in the region, including India and Sri Lanka.

Backgrounder: Border Haats Boost Ties between India-Bangladesh

Border haats or rural markets along the border of Bangladesh and India help to strengthen ties between the two countries, both culturally and economically. These border haats benefit local communities by providing opportunities for livelihood and social interaction.

ADB Blog: Early Lessons from Using Technology to Ease Trade in South Asia

Technology helps set the appropriate balance between facilitation and enforcement by border agencies. In this ADB blog entry, Mr. Ronald Butiong, Director, Regional Cooperation and Operations Coordination, South Asia Department, ADB, discusses how the electronic cargo tracking system uses information and communication technology, satellite positioning systems, and high security seals to allow organizations to monitor the movement of cargo, thereby enhancing trade facilitation in South Asia.

Birgunj Inland Container Depot to Get Upgraded Warehouses for Dusty Cargo

The Nepal Intermodal Transport Development Board (NITDB) is upgrading the inland container depot in Birgunj, Nepal, to give it the capacity to handle dusty cargo, such as cement clinker and fly ash. NITDB is also planning to develop railway tracks to be linked directly to the new warehouses.

BIMSTEC Heads of Missions Urge BIMSTEC Free Trade Agreement Conclusion

A preparation meeting for the fourth BIMSTEC summit discussed how BIMSTEC can catalyze regional economic development in the next twenty years. BIMSTEC heads of missions emphasized the need to conclude negotiations for the BIMSTEC Free Trade Agreement, and finalize trade facilitation measures in the BIMSTEC region.

Editorial: Need for Improving Logistic Performance

How efficiently a country moves physical goods across and within borders determines how it participates in international markets. This editorial from The Financial Express suggests areas that Bangladesh needs to focus on to improve logistics performance, enhance participation in global trade, and stimulate economic growth.

Ministerial Meeting of LLDCs Emphasize Need to Address Trade and Transport Issues

The 9th Annual Ministerial Meeting of Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) on Trade and Transport was held to discussed key issues in transport, transit cooperation, trade, and trade facilitation among LLDCs. Bhutan and Nepal sent delegations to the Meeting. They highlighted initiatives being taken to connect their countries to the global market, including bilateral agreements in the Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal subregion and the SASEC Trade Facilitation Program.

India, Nepal Review Trade and Transit Treaties

The Governments of India and Nepal held an India-Nepal Inter-Governmental Committee Meeting on Trade, Transit, and Cooperation to Control Unauthorised Trade, led by Commerce Secretaries of the two Governments. They discussed bilateral trade, transit, and economic relations, and agreed to conclude measures to further improve bilateral trade and investment ties.

Sri Lanka Finalizes National Export Strategy, Appoints Advisory Committees

The National Export Strategy (NES) of the Government of Sri Lanka has been finalized by the Export Development Board (EDB) and is ready for submission to the Cabinet. The strategy aims to boost the performance of the country's focus sectors and improve the business environment by developing trade support functions in logistics, trade information and promotion, and national quality infrastructure.

Bangladesh to Set Up a National Single Window for Trade Facilitation

The Bangladesh National Board of Revenue (NBR) will act as lead agency for the planned National Single Window (NSW) for trade facilitation in Bangladesh, shared NBR Chairman Md. Mosharraf Hossain Bhuiyan. This initiative is another Government undertaking in line with the implementation of the World Trade Organization's (WTO) Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA).

Nepal Secures More Oil Tankers from India

Around 375 oil tankers bringing in fuel to Nepal from Indian Oil Corporation depots in Gonda in Uttar Pradesh, and Banthara, to the Nepalgunj and Bhairawa border points will be required to install a security locking system to eliminate pilferage in transit, shared Nepal Oil Corporation spokesperson Mr. Birendra Kumar Goit.

India Prime Minister Modi and Nepal Prime Minister Oli Inaugurate ICP, Issue Joint Statements

Nepal Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli emphasized the high importance Nepal places upon its relationship with India, and Nepal's desire to further strengthen this bilateral partnership, in a meeting with India Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Prime Minister Oli visited India on 6-8 April 2018, upon the invitation of India’s Prime Minister. The two Prime Ministers jointly inaugurated the Integrated Check Post (ICP) at Birgunj, Nepal, and issued three joint statements of cooperation.

India Pilots Container Train to Bangladesh

India led a test run of the first container freight train from Kolkata, India, to Dhaka, Bangladesh on 3-4 April 2018. The rail service will be the first container train service between the two countries. It will reduce cost and transport time, thereby improving trade between India and Bangladesh.

Expansion Work Underway to Increase Kolkata Port Capacity

The Kolkata Port Trust is working to increase the port’s capacity, ease congestion, and reduce paperwork requirements for traders. The port, which handles most of Nepal’s third-country trade, is improving its physical infrastructure and cargo handling system.

ICP Construction in Nepalgunj Begins

The Government of India has appointed a contractor to build the integrated check post (ICP) in Nepalgunj, Nepal, on the India-Nepal border. Timeline set for building and completion is two years. The ICP on the Nepalgunj-Rupaidiha (India) border would facilitate improved cross-border connectivity.

Interview: Better Quality and Competitive Prices to Help Bangladesh Grab Nepal Market

Bangladesh is looking to expand the market share of its goods in Nepal. Ms. Mashfee Binte Shams, Bangladeshi Ambassador to Nepal, reviews the opportunities for Bangladesh manufacturers and explains what her country is doing to promote its products in Nepal. This interview of Ms. Shams, conducted by Ibrahim Hossain Ovi, first appeared on Dhaka Tribune.

Paperless Trade Proposed for Facilitation of Nepal Trade via Vizag Port

A meeting between the Government of Nepal's Ministry of Commerce (MoC), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), Visakhapatnam (Vizag) port authorities, and the Government of India discussed the possibility of implementing paperless trade procedures at Vizag port for Nepal’s third country trade. In follow up to this, the Government of Nepal also held a meeting with its stakeholders on 18 February 2018.

Nepali Ginger Traders Tap Bangladeshi Market

Exporters from Nepal shipped over 35 truckloads of ginger to Bangladesh between mid-December 2017 to January 2018. This volume of ginger traded by Nepal to Bangladesh is the largest it has exported to a third country in over a decade. The Treaty of Transit between India and Nepal facilitates movement of Nepal's third country trade with and through Bangladesh, via India.

SASEC Investment Grows to $10.74 billion

The SASEC Program ended 2017 on a high note, having launched the SASEC Vision, welcomed Myanmar as a full member of SASEC, invested almost $1 billion in three new projects during the year, and seen total program investment rise to $10.74 billion for 49 loan/grant projects. The SASEC Vision paved the way in 2017 for strengthened partnership and economic cooperation between the countries of South Asia and Southeast Asia, by leveraging opportunities and synergies found in natural resources.

Asia-Pacific Ministers Vow to Advance Regional Cooperation to Support SDG Agenda

At the Second Ministerial Conference on Regional Cooperation and Integration (RECI) organized by UNESCAP and ADB, government ministers and participants committed to support the implementation of the agenda for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The ministers said RECI should be consistent with the SDGs in contributing to social progress and environmental sustainability.

Nepal to Join BIMSTEC Energy Grid

Nepal has decided to join the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) grid interconnection, a move meant to help facilitate trade in electricity and take full advantage of available energy sources. Nepal is expected to sign an MOU to join the grid interconnection at the Third BIMSTEC Energy Ministers' Meeting.

ADB to Help Nepal Modernize Trade Facilitation

The Asian Development Bank has approved a $21 million loan to support the Government of Nepal’s efforts to simplify, harmonize, and modernize the country’s trade processes, under the South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation. The program will help the country to promote and diversify exports, and help it fulfill its commitments to international customs standards.

Commentary: Standards Need Continuous Updating

This commentary by Ms. Ferdaus Ara Begum, Chief Executive Officer, Business Initiative Leading Development, highlights the need to improve standards regulation to increase Bangladesh's competitiveness in the export-based manufacturing industry. Recommendations include raising capacity of the Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institute to meet global standards in food safety, and involving the private sector in standard setting consultations.

Commentary: South Asian Countries Building Connections

Mr. Prabir De, Professor at the Research and Information System for Developing Countries, discusses how the Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal (BBIN) subregional grouping’s focus to bridge connectivity gaps is crucial to reducing poverty in the region. He highlights the pressing need to begin implementing comprehensive trade facilitation and connectivity measures in the BBIN subregion, and remarks how success of the BBIN initiative is important to move broader regional integration initiative

Nepal-Bangladesh Youth Meet on Promoting Bilateral Trade

The Nepal-Bangladesh Youth Conference 2017 was held in Kathmandu, Nepal, to discuss possible ways to increase bilateral trade between Nepal and Bangladesh. The environment and the economic and business sectors were among the topics tackled at the conference.

ADB Blog: 6 Ways Asian Economic Cooperation is Changing the Region

Economic transformations have accelerated regional cooperation and integration in Asia. In this ADB blog post, Mr. Cuong Minh Nguyen, Principal Regional Integration Specialist, Southeast Asia Department, ADB, discusses six paradigm shifts that are reshaping economic prospects in Southeast Asia, South Asia, and other parts of the region. It also highlights the need for governments to work together to build a socially inclusive, environmentally friendly, and economically sustainable region.

Building Stronger Cooperation with BIMSTEC

The Secretary General of Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) advised member countries to look at regional cooperation in a pragmatic way, with efforts to build regional cooperation focusing on achieving practical results, at the conference marking BIMSTEC’s 20th anniversary.

Regional Cooperation Initiatives to Bolster Greater Male Region Development

Mr. Wencai Zhang, Vice President, Asian Development Bank (ADB), encouraged the active participation of Maldives in regional cooperation programs, in his two-day visit to Male, Maldives. ADB plans to increase support for Maldives in 2018-2019 through its indicative investment program that focuses on developing the Greater Male region, and also includes the SASEC National Window Project.

India, Bangladesh to Gradually Remove NTBs

Mr. Harsh Vardan Shringla, India's High Commissioner to Bangladesh reiterated India's commitment to remove non-tariff barriers (NTBs) through the standard-setting bodies of India and Bangladesh. The Bureau of Indian Standards and the Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution have begun cooperating on certification of goods, to resolve NTB-related export restrictions.

Former FBCCI President: Bangladesh-India Relations Better Now than Any Time in the Past

Mr. Abdul Matlub Ahmad, former President of the Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry, expressed confidence in the business relationship between Bangladesh and India, saying it is better right now than any time in the past. He encouraged the trade and business community to utilize the friendship between the two countries to promote development.

Need to Improve Bangladesh-India Port Services Highlighted by IBCCI

A delegation of the India-Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IBCCI) met with Mr. Shajahan Khan, Shipping Minister, Bangladesh, to discuss trade bottlenecks in Bangladesh-India land ports. Infrastructural and administrative bottlenecks in land and sea ports of Bangladesh and India slows down the trade process. Long delays for trucks to pass through Customs, for example, results in shortages of warehouses and trucks, and skyrocketing prices in truck rentals.

Watch: Powering Asia in the 21st Century

The SASEC Vision lays out opportunities through industry linkages and regional trade:

India, Sri Lanka Sign MoU for Cooperation in Economic Projects

Sri Lanka Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe visited India on 25-29 April 2017, for discussion with India Prime Minister Narendra Modi on a range of bilateral issues and matters of mutual interest. Prime Minister Wickremesinghe welcomed the signing of the MoU for Cooperation in Economic Projects, which outlines the agenda for bilateral economic cooperation.

South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation Vision: Powering Asia in the 21st Century

SASEC Powering Asia in the 21st Century defines the SASEC Vision, setting the SASEC partnership on a path to help transform the subregion into Asia's powerhouse in the 21st century. The Vision steps up cooperation among SASEC member countries, guiding them how to transform transport corridors into industrial and economic corridors, and promoting sustainable economic growth by generating synergies among SASEC member countries.

Bangladesh Wants to Be South Asia’s Transport Hub

Bangladesh has the potential to become a transport hub for India, Bhutan, Nepal, Maldives, Sri Lanka, and Myamar, according to Mr. AMA Muhith, Finance Minister, Bangladesh. Turning Bangladesh into a regional and transshipment hub would enhance economic cooperation and result in collective economic growth for the countries, Mr. Muhith said at the SASEC Finance Ministers’ Meeting in New Delhi, India.

Commentary: Boosting Trade Facilitation in Services

A fast-rising information technology-enabled services (ITES) is opening global opportunities for the millions of Indian college graduates that enter the workforce every year. In this article, Mr. Pritam Banergee, Senior Director for Corporate Public Policy (South Asia), Deutsche Post DHL, discusses the need for India’s government and businesses to focus on trade policy reform that ensure markets remain open for the ITES sector.

India-Myanmar Border "Haats" Performing Well

Informal trading in the Northeast region's border 'haats' (rural markets) between India and Myanmar is doing very well, reported Mr. Najib Shah, Chairman of India's Central Board of Excise and Customs. The Government of India is considering opening more border haats to promote trade ties with its neighbors.

Speech: Making Trade More Inclusive

Amidst the rising debate against trade and globalization, World Trade Organization Director-General Roberto Azevêdo argues against increasing protectionism and emphasizes how trade has proven its worth in development benefits. He remarks how trade can become more inclusive, with gains shared across society.

Indian Business Leaders Look to Strengthen Trade to Drive Job Creation

Indian business leaders met with World Trade Organization (WTO) Director General Roberto Azevêdo to discuss the future of the global trading system. The roundtable meeting, hosted by the International Chamber of Commerce and attended by over 50 senior representatives from various sectors, focused on trade reforms to strengthen inclusive growth and other world trade developments.

Nepal Submits Instrument of Acceptance for Trade Facilitation Agreement

The World Trade Organization (WTO) Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) is getting closer to coming into force after Mr. Deepak Dhital, Nepal’s Ambassador to the WTO, submitted his country’s instrument of acceptance to WTO Director-General Roberto Azevêdo on 24 January 2017. Nepal is the 14th least developed country to ratify the TFA, which is expected to help reduce trade costs for WTO member countries.

Railway Network Linking India and its Neighbors Under Consideration

A railway network linking India and its neighboring countries, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, and Nepal, is being considered by the Government of India, according to India Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu. Developing railway connectivity will increase employment, interaction, trade, and tourism.

Davos 2017: Accelerating South Asia's Growth and Development through Regional Cooperation

The interactive session “Harnessing Regional Cooperation in South Asia” held at the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum discussed how regional economic cooperation is helping accelerate growth and development. Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina emphasized continuous initiatives, in economic cooperation in South Asia, including SAFTA and SASEC. India Minister of State for Commerce and Industry Nirmala Sitharaman lauded initiatives to boost connectivity.

India to Sign Customs Convention on International Transport of Goods

India is set to join the Transports Internationaux Routiers (TIR), or International Road Transport Convention in its bid to establish seamless trade connectivity with Southeast Asia and Eurasian countries. Through the TIR Convention, India could access Eurasia via the International North-South Transport Corridor. TIR would also give India an advantage in trade with fellow signatories of the Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal (BBIN) Motor Vehicles Agreement.

Nepal Prepares to Implement the Customs Reform and Modernization Strategies and Action Plan 2017-2021

Nepal's Department of Customs is set to present the Customs Reform and Modernization Strategies and Action Plan (CRMSAP) 2017-2021 on 26 January 2017, International Customs Day. The CRMSAP 2017-2021 aims to implement provisions of the Revised Kyoto Convention, the World Trade Organization Trade Facilitation Agreement, and the Single Window System.

Nepal Parliament Ratifies the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement

Nepal’s Parliament ratified the World Trade Organization (WTO) Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) on 13 January 2017, drawing up the instrument of acceptance for the WTO TFA, whose implementation will help expand trade and attract foreign direct investment in Nepal by increasing transparency and effectiveness of the trading process.

Nepal Customs Officers Undergo Training at NACEN

The National Academy of Customs, Excise and Narcotics (NACEN) held a capacity-building program for 35 Customs Officers from Nepal. The 5-day program discussed various Customs-related topics, including Customs valuation; World Trade Organization provisions; Customs reform; and use of risk management.

APTA Member Countries Move to Boost Trade in the Region

Bangladesh, China, India, Laos, South Korea, and Sri Lanka, member countries of the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA), moved to expand trade and boost growth in the region by agreeing to increase the number of products under preferential tariff treatment to 10,677 items from 4,270 at the 4th session of the APTA Ministerial Council.

Second India-Bhutan Joint Working Group on Customs Held in Thimphu

The Second India-Bhutan Joint Working Group on Customs highlighted the possibility of facilitating bilateral trade in select land Customs stations along Bhutan-India borders; and discussed streamlining Customs procedures and document requirements at entry and exit points. It also agreed to open three more trading points between Bhutan and India, and discussed issues including development of Goods and Service Tax in India.

Commentary: Bangladesh Inching towards Paperless Trade

Bangladesh has adopted the mantra "Digital Bangladesh" in its push to reduce trade costs, by implementing paperless trade through an electronic system. The country has already launched an online trade portal; the Central Bank is successfully conducting electronic transactions; and the National Board of Revenue has also enhanced its paperless capacity. Asjadul Kibria, Bangladeshi economic journalist, provides the following commentary.

4th Regional Customs Enforcement Meeting

The Directorate of Revenue Intelligence under the Central Board of Excise and Customs organized the 4th Regional Customs Enforcement Meeting in New Delhi, India, as part of its Founding Day celebrations. The Heads of Customs Enforcement from Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Mauritius and Maldives were invited to participate in the said Meeting, which discussed issues of mutual concern, noted the need to share information and activate channels of coordination.

SASEC Portfolio Tops $9 billion

The SASEC project portfolio has surpassed the $9 billion mark with the December 2016 approval of Nepal’s SASEC Roads Improvement Project, worth $256.5 million. There are now 44 SASEC investment projects worth a cumulative $9.13 billion. During 2016, seven projects have been approved for a total of $2.37 billion.

Nepal's Third Country Trade through Vizag Port Moves Forward

A notification for moving export and import cargo to and from Nepal through Visakhapatnam (Vizag) Port in Andhra Pradesh, India, was issued by the Nepal Department of Customs. This follows the go-ahead given by the Central Bank of Nepal to issue letters of credit to clients using Vizag Port to bring in trade. Furthermore, the Government of Nepal is considering establishing a consulate in Andhra Pradesh to ensure more efficient utilization of Vizag Port.

Bangladesh-Nepal Road Route Survey to be Held in December

Government officials of Bangladesh and Nepal will conduct a joint survey on a potential road route under the Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal (BBIN) Motor Vehicle Agreement (MVA), starting from5 December 2016. It will check road conditions, length of travel, and necessary infrastructure to ensure seamless movement of vehicles.

New India-Bhutan Bilateral Trade Agreement Signed

The new India-Bhutan Trade, Commerce and Transit Agreement was signed on 12 November 2016 in Thimphu, Bhutan. The bilateral Agreement focuses on promoting trade between the two countries through trade facilitation, improving trade procedures, and adding exit and entry points to facilitate Bhutan's third-country trade.

Online Alert System for SPS/TBT Notifications Launched

EPing, an online alert system for updates on the latest information on regulatory requirements for international trade, was launched by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the World Trade Organization, and the International Trade Centre. The system enables access to WTO member notifications on TBT and SPS measures, and facilitates dialogue among the public and private sector in the early stages of potential trade issues.

SASEC Operational Plan Launched in Nepal

The SASEC Operational Plan, which aligns and brings together all SASEC sectoral strategies, was launched in Kathmandu, Nepal. With 37 of the 200 planned projects set to be implemented in Nepal, the Government’s policy reform efforts to integrate with global markets is set to receive a significant boost.

Conference Promotes Paperless Trade Implementation in Sri Lanka

A conference held by the Sri Lanka Press Institute highlighted how enabling paperless trade will improve Sri Lanka's business competitiveness, and help the country achieve its ambition of becoming a regional logistics hub by enhancing its international trade processes.

New India-Bhutan Trade, Commerce, and Transit Agreement Approved by Indian Cabinet

A new Agreement on Trade, Commerce, and Transit between India and Bhutan, enabling a free trade regime between the two countries, and providing for duty-free transit of Bhutanese merchandise for trade with third countries, has been approved by the Cabinet of India, in a meeting chaired by India Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Commentary: The Case for Stronger Ties in South Asia

In recent years, countries in South Asia have shown increasing commitment to deepening regional cooperation through bilateral agreements and regional initiatives, including the Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal Motor Vehicles Agreement. This commentary by Ms. Nahela Nowshin of the Centre for Policy Dialogue discusses the importance of regional initiatives in South Asia, as well as the need to promote dialogue on matters of regional cooperation and connectivity.

Simplified Customs Process to Benefit Emerging Domestic Brands

A new Customs inspection and verification procedure is changing how trade is conducted among South Asian countries. Through the BBIN Motor Vehicles Agreement, cargo and passenger vehicles may now pass through the four countries more smoothly. The simplified process greatly benefits apparel-centric economies, making South Asia more competitive for both global and domestic brands.

India Expands Scope of ATA Carnet

India's Central Board of Excise and Customs announced an expansion of scope of India's ATA Carnet facility to include duty-free and tax-free temporary admission of goods for private exhibitions, trade fairs, and meetings. This initiative will contribute effectively to the Government's program to improve the country's 'Ease of Doing Business', and make India a prime destination for international events, conventions, and exhibitions.

ADB Advances Harmonization of SPS/TBT Measures in the SASEC Subregion

The Asian Development Bank is helping countries in the SASEC subregion harmonize two technical non-tariff measures, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Measures and Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), to enhance intraregional trade. Under this initiative, a national diagnostic study on SPS and TBT will be conducted in the six SASEC member countries, to be led by core committees formed by the six governments, in consultation with trade experts.

Nepal Trade Portal Launched to Support Nepal Trade and Investment

The Government of Nepal launched the Nepal Trade Portal, a one-stop shop for official information on trade procedures and requirements for Nepali business. Featuring essential information for traders, the online portal aims to improve the way trade and business is conducted, and to facilitate cross-border trade by providing easy access to legal documents, forms and procedures in both English and Nepali.

Nepal Parliament Ratifies Protocol of Amendments to the Revised Kyoto Convention

The Nepal Parliament ratified the Protocol of Amendments to the International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedure (Revised Kyoto Convention) on 9 September 2016, tabled by Mr. Krishna Bahadur Mahara, Nepal Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister. The ratification is expected to boost the capacity of Nepal Customs to facilitate trade.

National Single Window to Simplify Bangladesh Cross-border Trade

The Government of Bangladesh will establish a National Single Window to simplify cross-border trade procedures and improve Bangladesh's ease of doing business. The System will facilitate import, export, and transit transactions using an electronic portal that links all relevant agencies for cross-border trade.

India to Prioritize Working towards TFA for Services

India Prime Minister Narendra Modi shared the country’s desire to prioritize a trade facilitation agreement (TFA) for services, on 6 September at the G20 Summit in Hangzhou, China, noting its potential to help professionals and business move from one country to another. Mr. Modi said that the service sector has huge potential and contributes significantly to the economy.

Second BBIN Trial Run Demonstrates Benefits of BBIN MVA

A new chapter in trade relations and people-to-people contact between Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal (BBIN) began on 5 September 2016, as a Bangladeshi cargo truck rolled into the Customs Inland Container Depot, Patparganj, Delhi. Though the vehicle entered India through Petrapole Land Customs Station, Customs clearance was done at the ICD, Patparganj, as part of a trial run of the BBIN Motor Vehicles Agreement.

SAARC Ministers Push for Economic Union

Finance Ministers from the eight South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) member states are pushing for the formation of a South Asian Economic Union (SAEU) to ensure larger inflow of investments, higher trade volumes, and energy generation. The ministers highlighted the need to fast-track the formation of the SAEU to help boost the inflow of investments and trade volumes.

BBIN MVA to Boost Infrastructure Development in the Subregion

The Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal (BBIN) Motor Vehicles Agreement (MVA) is set to boost infrastructure development in the BBIN subregion. Bangladesh will see significant increase in cargo movement, enabling India to access its Northeast region, and helping facilitate third-country trade of landlocked Bhutan and Nepal. However, major investments in infrastructure are needed to maximize Bangladesh’s potential to become a transport and transshipment hub.

Commentary: Trade Portal and Single Window Reduce Cost of Doing Business

The National Trade Portal and National Single Window are important components of the World Trade Organization's Trade Facilitation Agreement (WTO TFA). This commentary by Ms. Ferdous Ara Begum, Chief Executive Officer, Business Initiative Leading Development of Bangladesh, discusses how these could improve trade, gives an update on Bangladesh's initiatives toward ratifying the WTO TFA, and recommends a region-wide Single Window for South Asia.

India Begins Operations on the Varanasi-Haldia River Route

Mr. Nitin Gadkari, Road Transport and Shipping Minister, India, led the inauguration of the Varanasi-Haldia inland waterway route, laying the foundation stone for an inland waterway terminal, and flagging off a trial run of two cargo vessels from Varanasi to Haldia Port near Kolkata, a route that touches Nepal’s two major rivers—Koshi and Gandaki.

Government of India Forms National Committee on Trade Facilitation

The Government of India has established a National Committee on Trade Facilitation, in line with a provision contained in the World Trade Organization's Trade Facilitation Agreement. The Committee will be chaired by the Cabinet Secretary, and will lead development of a pan-India road map for trade facilitation.

Bhomra, Sheola, Thegamukh Ports under BBIN to Benefit Region

Development of infrastructure at Sheola, Thegamukh, and Bhomra land ports under the Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal (BBIN) initiative for regional connectivity will increase economic activity, according to a feasibility study report jointly undertaken by India and the People’s Republic of China. The report was presented at a National Public Consultation Workshop in Bangladesh on 11 August 2016.

Visakhapatnam Port Getting Ready for Nepal's Third Country Trade

Nepal private sector representatives, including members of the Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry, the Nepal Freight Forwarders' Association, and India port authorities from Kolkata and Visakhapatnam, met to discuss measures needed to bring India's Visakhapatnam Port into full-fledged operation for Nepal's third country trade, and simplifying clearing processes for Nepal-bound cargoes.

India to Develop a Special Economic Zone in Myanmar

The Government of India is planning to develop an economic hub in the port city of Sittwe, Myanmar, that will help boost India's connectivity to Southeast Asia.

Nepal Freight Forwarders Urge Early Operationalization of Vizag Port

Freight forwarders in Nepal have urged early operationalization of the Vizag Port in India as an alternative port for Nepal trade. According to the Nepal Freight Forwarders Association, ocean freight costs, Customs house agent charges, and other logistic costs can be reduced by directing trade through Vizag Port.

SASEC Investment Projects Top $7.7 Billion

South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) investment projects increased to a cumulative $7.66 billion in the areas of transport, energy, trade facilitation, and ICT with the recent approval of India’s Bihar New Ganga Bridge Project. To date, 40 SASEC-supported projects are helping member countries strengthen regional connectivity infrastructure, promote economic growth, and foster regional cooperation. In addition, there are now 71 technical assistance projects worth $66.14 mi

Bangladesh Road Transport and Bridges Minister: BBIN MVA May Start in December

Implementation of the Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal (BBIN) Motor Vehicle Agreement (MVA) may start in December, according to Bangladesh Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader, while speaking at a closing ceremony of a drivers' training on road safety.

Prime Ministers of Bangladesh and India Jointly Dedicate Largest South Asia Land Customs Station

India Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina jointly inaugurated the Petrapole Integrated Checkpost (ICP). Prime Minister Modi lauded the event as an important milestone in India-Bangladesh relations, providing a boost to bilateral connectivity and trade, while Bangladesh Prime Minister Hasina expressed hope that the ICP will further enhance good relations between the two countries

Commentary: 800 Million Reasons

Mr. Hun Kim, Director General, South Asia Department, ADB, describes how partnership of 6 South Asian countries through the ADB-supported South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) Program is helping propel economic growth in South Asia, amidst an uncertain regional and global economic climate, by working to increase trade volumes to reduce the number of impoverished people in the region.

Blog: Is South Asia ready for a Regional Motor Vehicles Agreement?

Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal (BBIN) signed a landmark Motor Vehicles Agreement (MVA) meant to allow smooth passage of goods and passenger vehicles in each other’s territories. In this blog post, Sanjay Kathuria, Lead Economist and Coordinator, South Asia Regional Integration, Trade and Competitiveness Global Practice, World Bank, asks if South Asia is truly ready for such a regional agreement.

Bus Service along IMT Route under Negotiation

Talks to implement a regular bus service between India and Thailand through Myanmar are underway as part of a Motor Vehicle Agreement being finalized by India, Myanmar, and Thailand (IMT). The service would run on the 1,400 kilometer IMT Trilateral Highway linking South and Southeast Asia.

BBIN Business Forum: Time to Change Mindset on Economic Cooperation

The BBIN Motor Vehicle Agreement (MVA) is making it easier for passengers and freight vehicles in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal to travel around the region. BBIN finalized the MVA in an effort to facilitate cross-border trade and travel in South Asia. A BBIN Business Forum sees energy and water cooperation playing a vital role in taking integration even further in the region.

Harmonize Customs Duties for BBIN Success

BBIN Business Forum states that Customs duties and taxation must be harmonized in order to improve trade among Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal. Following the successful signing of the Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal Motor Vehicles Agreement (BBIN MVA), the countries must now pursue ways to make the movement of goods and people easier.

Interactive SASEC Corridor Map on Website

The interactive SASEC Corridor Map on the SASEC Program website and SASEC Mobile App is your gateway to SASEC projects. View projects by sector—energy, transport, trade facilitation, and ICT—or by corridor using the interactive map, to learn how the SASEC program is helping promote regional prosperity in South Asia. The map also includes project information and links to SASEC project pages.

ADB Blog: Why We Should Be Happy When SASEC Customs Officials Talk More

Meetings between Customs officials from SASEC member countries reaps benefits for the SASEC subregion and beyond, providing a platform for officers to decide the next steps in improving cross-border coordination and cooperation to resolve bottlenecks for trade at the borders. An Asian Development Bank (ADB) blog post by Ms. Rose McKenzie, Senior Regional Cooperation Specialist, Regional Cooperation and Operations Coordination, South Asia Regional Department, ADB, is shared.

Visakhapatnam Port Inaugurated as Nepal's Second Gateway Port

Cargo bound for Nepal was flagged off symbolically from Visakhapatnam Port in India on 24 June 2016, signaling to traders that the port is ready to facilitate exports and imports as Nepal's second gateway port. A delegation from Nepal is in Visakhapatnam to see through implementation of the agreement and discuss modalities of cargo transit with Customs officials from India.

India Commerce Minister Calls on Bureau to Internationalize Standards

India Minister of State (Independent Charge) of Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman, emphasized the need for the Bureau of Indian Standards to internationalize its standards to promote "zero defect" and global standards for made in India products. She called for an end to days of differential standards, and urged the Bureau to increase coordination with concerned ministries to streamline standards for locally made and imported items. 

Bhutan's National Assembly Ratifies the BBIN Motor Vehicle Agreement

Bhutan's National Assembly ratified the Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal Motor Vehicle Agreement (BBIN MVA) on 21 June 2016 with 28 votes. Bhutan Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay reiterated that the BBIN MVA would regulate cross-border movement of vehicles in the subregion through formulation of protocols. Implementation of the BBIN MVA will help strengthen Bhutan's existing ties with India, and boost cooperation and integration within the subregion.

Bangladesh-India Transshipment Facility Reduces Distance to India's Northeast

Launch of the Bangladesh-India transshipment facility concluded with the successful delivery of steel rods from Kolkata, India to Agartala, the capital of Tripura, through Akhaura land port in Bangladesh, onboard Bangladeshi trucks. The facility will allow India to deliver goods to the northeast region in an estimated 10-day time, and help boost trade in the region by enabling Bangladesh to transport goods to Nepal and Bhutan via India, and give India access to Myanmar via Bangladesh.

ADB Blog: High Hopes for BBIN Vehicle Agreement, One Year On

The Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal (BBIN) Motor Vehicles Agreement is a landmark framework agreement signed by the transport ministers of the BBIN countries last June 2015 in Thimphu, Bhutan. Mr. Ronald Butiong, Director, Regional Cooperation and Operations Coordination, South Asia Regional Department, Asian Development Bank (ADB), describes how it is paving the way for a more integrated and more prosperous South Asian region in an ADB blog entry.

Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka Look Into Setting up Trade Portals

Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka have expressed interest in adopting best practices of the Indian Trade Portal in setting up their own trade portals to promote international trade. Trade portals to be set up by Bhutan and Nepal will also be useful for cargo being routed through India, and will contribute to the common documentation system needed to implement the World Trade Organization's Trade Facilitation Agreement.

Bhutan Standards Bureau Obtains Accreditation to Certify 3 Goods for Export

The Bhutan Standards Bureau received accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies, India to certify three products, including grade 43 ordinary Portland cement, bitumen emulsion, and thermomechanically treated reinforcement bars, for export. This reduces technical barriers to trade, facilitating free movement for these three types of products across Bhutanese borders.

Dedicated Railway Line from Indian Ports to Nepal Sought to Reduce Cost of Trade

Nepal's private sector stakeholders are seeking a dedicated railway line from Nepal to Indian sea ports, including the Visakhapatnam Port, to reduce the cost of trade in the country. Mr. Rajan Sharma, Transport and Transit Committee Chair of the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry, noted that direct access to India's Visakhapatnam Port could bring transformational changes to Nepal's economy.

India Promotes Easier Visa Regime among WTO Members

India is working on a proposal to ease facilitation issues on trade in services including visa regimes among members of the World Trade Orgagnization (WTO). WTO Director General Roberto Azevedo welcomed India’s proposal for a trade facilitation agreement in services, and requested submission of a proposal to initiate discussions.

SARSO Conducts Workshop on Harmonizing Standards in Bhutan

A workshop on harmonizing standards in the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) region was held by the South Asian Regional Standards Organization (SARSO) in Bhutan. Mr. Tashi Wangchuk, Deputy Director, SARSO, emphasized the importance of Bhutan Standards Bureau's technical committees participating in SARSO's Sectoral Technical Committees.

1,400 Kilometer Highway to Link India, Myanmar, and Thailand

A 1,400 kilometer highway will soon connect South and Southeast Asia by linking India with Myanmar and Thailand. Mr. Bhagwant Singh Bishnoi, Indian Ambassador to Thailand, noted that the tri-nation highway exemplifies India's "Act East" policy, and will facilitate transit of goods and further development of SMEs in north India. The three countries are currently working to finalize negotiations for the groundbreaking India-Myanmar-Thailand Motor Vehicle Agreement.

SASEC Member Countries Urged to Develop Synergies through Cooperation

Mr. Shaktikanta Das, Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs, India called on member countries of the SASEC Program to develop synergies through cooperation, in his inaugural address at the Second Regional Consultation Workshop on SASEC 2025. He also highlighted SASEC's strength as a project-driven initiative.

India, ADB to Enhance Connectivity in SASEC Region through Planned Infrastructure Projects

India is planning to develop regional connectivity projects worth around $5 billion under the Asian Development Bank (ADB)-supported SASEC Program, according to Mr. Shaktikanta Das, Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs, India. These initiatives include two priority road corridors that will boost connectivity with its neighbors in South and Southeast Asia and complementary integrated check posts and land Customs stations. India and ADB will also work together to develop the East Coast Econom

WCO Workshop Considers Improvement of Regional Transit Regimes in BBIN Subregion

A World Customs Organization (WCO) Subregional Workshop on Transit Corridors in South Asia considered improvement of regional transit regimes in the region. Progress of the Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal (BBIN) Motor Vehicle Agreement, as well as national experiences of Japan, Switzerland and Malawi in implementing efficient transit regimes, was discussed.

Intergovernmental Agreement on Dry Ports Opens New Development Prospects to Landlocked Countries

The Intergovernmental Agreement on Dry Ports, developed with support of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, entered into force on 23 April 2016, after 8 of the 17 signatory countries, including Bangladesh and India, deposited approvals of Agreement. The Agreement aims to promote international recognition of dry ports, facilitating investment in dry port infrastructure and enhancing their operational efficiency.

SASEC Program Upgrades Mobile App

Version 2.0 of the SASEC Program Mobile App is now available for download. With improved user interface and layout, updated offline data, faster caching, and smaller app size, the updated SASEC Program Mobile App is lighter, quicker, and more user friendly.

India Ratifies the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement

The Government of India has ratified the World Trade Organization (WTO) Trade Facilitation Agreement, submitting its instrument of acceptance on 22 April 2016. Ms. Anjali Prasad, Ambassador to WTO, India handed over the instrument to WTO Director-General Roberto Azevêdo. India is the 76th WTO member to accept the Agreement.

3-year SAARC Business Visa, SAARC Industrial Park to Boost Trade in the Region

The new SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) Senior Vice President Ajith Wathuhewa shared that the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) business visa will be extended from 6 months to 3 years, to be made available by end 2016, to help increase SAARC inter-regional trade. A SAARC Industrial Park in Sri Lanka is also planned to increase trade in the region.

India's Service Sector Necessary for Successful WTO TFA Implementation

India Commerce and Industry Minister Nirmala Sitharaman emphasized the importance of India's service sector to the successful implementation of the World Trade Organization Trade Facilitation Agreement (WTO TFA). According to the Commerce and Industry Minister, India's service sector will sustain the country's vision of port and logistics improvement.

India's Service Sector Necessary for Successful WTO TFA Implementation

India Commerce and Industry Minister Nirmala Sitharaman emphasized the importance of India's service sector to the successful implementation of the World Trade Organization Trade Facilitation Agreement (WTO TFA). According to the Commerce and Industry Minister, India's service sector will sustain the country's vision of port and logistics improvement.

5-year Sagar Mala Project to Help Reduce Logistics Cost

India's Minister for Road Transport and Highways and Shipping Nitin Gadkari announced the Government's updated target to complete the Sagar Mala program in 5 years at the Maritime India Summit. The project will help reduce logistics costs, boost merchandise exports by $110 million, and create 10 million new jobs.

Private Sector Representative: BBIN Corridor Trial Run Highlighted Scope for Development

Dr. Pritam Banerjee, Senior Director, Corporate Public Policy (South Asia), Deutsche Post DHL, reported that the first trial run of cargo vehicles on the Kolkata-Dhaka-Agartala route under the Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal (BBIN) sub-regional framework, enabled a better understanding of future needs and solutions for safe and efficient movement of cargo across BBIN borders.

Commentary: Political Economy of Regional Integration: Where Do We Stand in South Asia?

Dr. Selim Reihan notes that drivers of political economy can impact the region's integration agenda. In this essay, Dr. Raihan highlights the importance of exploring the political economy of regional integration to generate a better assessment of the factors driving and constraining regional integration, and create broader awareness among stakeholders to stimulate a more realistic and effective regional policy design and processes.

Bangladesh Prepares to Ratify the WTO TFA

The Government of Bangladesh is preparing to ratify the World Trade Organization (WTO) Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA), which will enable efficient and speedy flow of goods across borders and make doing business less costly. Bangladesh aims to ratify the TFA soon, to allow the country to enjoy trade benefits available to least developed countries.

Integrated Declaration to Streamline Processing of Import Clearances at Indian Customs

India's Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) is implementing an 'Integrated Declaration,' under its Single Window Project to facilitate more efficient processing of Customs clearance for imports and exports, and promote ease of doing business in the country. The electronic Integrated Declaration offers a single point where import traders can lodge information required by Customs and the Partner Government Agencies, replacing 9 separate forms previously required.

SAARC Member Countries Urged to Work Together to Achieve Goal of SAEU

India's External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj called for further consolidation of the South Asian Free Trade Area and the South Asian Trade in Services Agreement to achieve the goal of a South Asian Economic Union, in her address at the 37th SAARC Council of Ministers' Meeting. She said SAARC member countries must work together to harness their economic complementarities and create an environment conducive to rapid growth.

Direct Bangladesh-India Cargo Shipments to Enhance Bilateral Trade

Direct cargo shipments between Bangladesh-India were launched on 15 March 2016, with the first vessel sailing from Chittagong Port, Bangladesh to Krishnapatnam Port, India on 17 March 2016, carrying cotton and textiles. The service reduces transport time significantly—from 25 to 4 days to carry goods from Bangladesh to India, with goods no longer having to pass through Colombo, Sri Lanka, or Singapore.

Cabinet Secretary to Chair India's National Committee on Trade Facilitation

The Government of India is set to appoint its Cabinet Secretary as Head of the National Committee on Trade Facilitation, which will facilitate both domestic coordination and implementation of the provisions of the World Trade Organization Trade Facilitation Agreement. The terms of reference for the national committee will be drafted once suggestions from industry associations and border states have been received.

LPAI Foundation Day Reaffirms India's Commitment to Boosting Land Borders

The Land Ports Authority of India (LPAI) commemorated its 4th Foundation Day, headed by Mr. Kiren Rijiju, Minister of State for Home Affairs who launched the LPAI logo and website. In his address, Mr. Rijiju reaffirmed the Government's commitment to enhance land borders that will increase trade with neighboring countries. He remarked on the need to explore new trade routes, particularly in the North East region.

Joint Exercise to Reduce Delays in Export/Import Clearances to be Conducted in India

A Meeting of high-level officials from the Government of India's Ministry of Finance, Central Board of Excise and Customs, Railway Board, Shipping and Airport Authority has discussed ways to expedite the country's clearance process for exports and imports, deciding to conduct a joint exercise to identify and address delays at every stage.

Bangladesh Trade Portal Enhances Predictability and Transparency in the Country's Trade

The Government of Bangladesh has launched the Bangladesh Trade Portal, a one-stop shop for information on conducting trade with Bangladesh. The website offers useful information on exporting goods from, and importing commercial goods into Bangladesh, to promote the country's trade sector. Bangladesh Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed said the portal marks a milestone for business and traders.

WTO Developing, LDC Members Encouraged to Start Preparing for Entry into Force of the TFA

WTO members were advised to notify the WTO about their technical assistance and capacity-building needs, including the timeframe to ensure effective implementation of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA). The WTO Preparatory Committee on Trade Facilitation has received 81 “Category A” notifications and an increasing number of “Category B”and “Category C” notifications.

India Removes Mandatory Extra Duty on Imports

India has taken a step forward to improve its ease of doing business for local subsidiaries of multinational companies by approving simplified rules governing import pricing. The amended Customs rules removed the mandatory deposit of extra duty on imported goods by related parties, including Indian arms of import-dependent multinationals.

ADB Supports Upgrade of Colombo Port through PPP

Sri Lanka's Colombo Port will be expanded through a public–private partnership initiative, with support from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The Sri Lanka Ports Authority and ADB signed a $500 million transaction advisory services agreement for upgrading of the port's East Container Terminal. The project is set to improve the port’s value proposition by bringing leading operations and technology from the private sector.

India and Nepal Exchange Transit Agreements Boosting Nepal's Third Country Trade

India Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Nepal Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli—on his first state visit since assuming office in October 2015—held comprehensive talks in New Delhi, and witnessed the signing of several agreements, including letters of exchange on transit and rail. These agreements will help promote Nepal's trade with third countries by making transport more efficient and less costly.

Banglabandha-Phulbari Land Port Opens Immigration Facility

An immigration facility in the Banglabandha-Phulbari Land Port between Bangladesh and India—jointly inaugurated on 18 February 2016—is expected to ease people-to-people connectivity between the two countries. Strategically located on the Asian Highway, this border-crossing point is expected to boost trade and commerce not only between Bangladesh and India, but also with Bhutan and Nepal.

India Commerce Minister Highlights Significance of WTO TFA Ratification

India's Commerce Minister Nirmala Sitharaman highlighted the significance of the Cabinet's decision to ratify the World Trade Organization Trade Facilitation Agreement (WTO TFA), and affirmed the Government's initiatives to improve systems within India for trade facilitation. She also discussed necessary provisions that India should adopt to comply with the Agreement.

India-Sri Lanka Joint Commission Highlight Areas for Cooperation

The 9th Session of the India-Sri Lanka Joint Commission discussed strengthening India-Sri Lanka cooperation in areas including energy and trade. The two countries are also preparing to open negotiations on the Economic and Technology Cooperation Agreement. Further possible collaboration in railway development and renewable energy was also bookmarked by the Joint Commission.

2016 International Customs Day: India Central Board Of Excise and Customs

India's Central Board Of Excise and Customs celebrated International Customs Day 2016. In observance of the theme, 'Digital Customs: Progressive Engagement', a presentation on digitization in Indian Customs was delivered, and 3 digital initiatives were launched. Mr. R. Chandra Shekhar, President, National Association of Software and Services Companies, highlighted the strides made by the department in digitization of Customs processes.

2016 International Customs Day: Bhutan Department of Revenue and Customs

Bhutan's Department of Revenue and Customs observed the International Customs Day at the Regional Revenue and Customs Office, Samtse. Customs officials with outstanding contribution to the organization were awarded World Customs Organization Merit Certificates. Senior officials from the Ministry of Finance, border enforcement agencies and cross-border Customs officials from neighbouring towns of India joined the celebration.

2016 International Customs Day: Bangladesh National Board of Revenue

The Bangladesh National Board of Revenue (NBR) organized a seminar on digital Customs and progressive engagement on the occasion of International Customs Day. In his address, Finance Minister Abul Maal Abdul Muhith said the proposed Customs Act 2015 will be placed for approval of the national parliament in the next budget session. It will automate and modernize Customs and business procedures for export-import by providing NBR with a broad legal basis for implementation of an electronic Customs

2016 International Customs Day: Nepal Department of Customs

International Customs Day is observed in honor of the establishment of the World Customs Organization, an independent intergovernmental body, on 26 January 1952. Nepal Department of Customs shares the week-long program planned in Nepal to mark the occasion.

3rd Meeting of BBIN Joint Working Group on Subregional Cooperation, Dhaka

The third meeting of the Joint Working Group on Subregional Cooperation between Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal (BBIN) on Connectivity and Transit and Water Resources Management and Power/Hydropower deliberated new initiatives for deepening cooperation. Discussion centered around progress made under the BBIN Motor Vehicle Agreement and the proposed BBIN Rail Agreement.

SARSO Agrees Standards on 6 Products

A set of regionally agreed standards for 6 products, including sugar and cotton, in South Asia has been finalized by the South Asian Regional Standards Organization (SARSO), in response to the need to ease regional trade by harmonizing standards on key goods. SARSO aims to complete issuing formal notifications on these 6 products by March, to will allow goods marked 'compliant' to SARSO's standard and testing regulations to be exported to any SAARC county without need for laboratory testing.

Sri Lanka Customs Implements Single Window System

Sri Lanka Customs launched its Single Window System, paving the way for smoother and more efficient cross-border trade transactions. According to Sri Lanka Customs Director General Chulananda Perera, the Single Window benefits traders by lessening delays and cutting down on cumbersome procedures. Mr. Dinesh De Silva, Chairman, Import Section, Ceylon Chamber of Commerce sees the Single Window System driving down costs for businesses.

Proposed SAARC Meeting to Discuss Regional Transport Agreements

A proposed meeting of SAARC Transport Ministers in Kathmandu, Nepal aims to discuss the SAARC Motor Vehicle Agreement and SAARC Regional Railway Agreement, ahead of the 19th SAARC Summit to be held in the latter part of 2016 in Pakistan. The proposed regional transit agreements aim to promote transport connectivity in the region, and to enhance regional economic cooperation and integration.

Sri Lanka Prepares to Ratify the WTO TFA

Sri Lanka's Cabinet of Ministers has given its approval to ratify the World Trade Organization Trade Facilitation Agreement (WTO TFA), following a proposal made by Sri Lanka's Minister of Industries and Commerce, Mr. Rishad Bathiudeen. The TFA will maintain the country's competitiveness in global and naval trade.

Chittagong Seaport Records Milestone 2 Million TEU of Containers Handled

Chittagong Seaport attained its 2016 target of handling 2 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) of containers one year early. This announcement was made by the Chittagong Port Authority on 3 January 2015 in Dhaka, Bangladesh, with Shipping Minister Shajahan Khan as chief guest. According to Minister Khan, Chittagong Port's container holding capacity increased to 40,000 TEU, owing to a rise in container handling demand, which grew by 700,000 TEU in the last 3 years.

69 Bridges to be Built on Major Section of the IMT Trilateral Highway

A total of 69 bridges will be built by the Government of India along a major road link of the India-Myanmar-Thailand (IMT) Trilateral Highway in Myanmar. These bridges will be part of the route for a proposed bus service linking Imphal, capital of the Indian state of Manipur, with Mandalay City in Myanmar. The project is estimated to cost around $56 million, and is due for completion in mid-2019.

SASEC in 2015

Several key SASEC events during 2015 helped the six member countries promote regional prosperity by improving cross-border connectivity, boosting trade among member countries, and strengthening regional economic cooperation. Here's a review of some of the major events in 2015.

WTO Nairobi Package Delivers Commitments to LDCs

The World Trade Organization (WTO) 10th Ministerial Conference agreed on a series of trade initiatives and decisions to benefit its least developed country (LDC) members, including re-affirmation of public stockholding for food security purposes; preferential rules of origin which calls on preference-granting members to simplify documentary and procedural requirements related to origin; and 15-year extension of preferential treatment for LDCs in the area of services to increase LDC capacity.

Commentary: South Asia Could Be Linchpin for Regional Integration

South Asia is set to play a strategic role in Asian integration. This commentary by Mr. Ganeshan Wignaraja, Advisor in the Asian Development Bank’s Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department, shares how linking emerging South Asia with the more developed member countries of the Association of South East Asian Nations will transform regional economies through development of regional connectivity, and create a huge regional market of 2-3 billion people.

India's Sagar Port to Receive Boost in Connectivity

Upgrading 2,000-kilometers of India's Diamond Harbor Road (National Highway-117 and NH-35), linking Barasat and Petrapole through an expressway, and constructing a bridge across the Muri Ganga River to connect Sagar Island with the mainland would facilitate better port connectivity and promote greater regional cooperation in India. An ADB loan is anticipated to support this project.

Customs Cooperation, Bilateral Transport Agreement Discussed at Bangladesh-Bhutan Meeting

A 2-day meeting between Bangladesh and Bhutan headed by Commerce Secretaries discussed several bilateral concerns, including increasing products on the duty-free import/export list of both countries, potential hydropower imports from Bhutan to Bangladesh, Customs cooperation, and road and water transport agreement.

DCCI Seminar Highlights Need to Implement Trade Facilitation Measures in Bangladesh

A seminar organized by the Dhaka Chamber of Commerce & Industry (DCCI) discussed 'Trade Facilitation: Opportunities and Challenges for Sustainable Growth' in Bangladesh. Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister Dr. Mashiur Rahman emphasized that trade facilitation measures should boost trade and promote investments. Dr. Khairuzzaman Mozumder, Deputy Chief of USAID, identified remaining key challenges in implementing the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement in the country.

Exchange of Documents at Major SASEC Border-Crossing Points Starts

The exchange of export-related data between designated adjacent border crossing points in the SASEC subregion commenced on 30 November 2015. This SASEC Customs Subgroup Subregional Project promotes the exchange of documents at five major border-crossing points between Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal, to promote future electronic exchange of data and build a better risk profile of traders.

Bhutan's Accession to the WTO Discussed

Accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) was discussed during a workshop on Bhutan's graduation from least developed country (LDC) status, held on 17-18 November 2015. The Workshop clarified how membership to the WTO will benefit Bhutan, including enjoying the benefits of a multilateral trading system with WTO member countries, and discussed wider implications of WTO membership.

Bangladesh and India Sign SOP on Coastal Shipping

Bangladesh and India signed the Standard Operating Procedure to operationalize the 'Agreement on Coastal Shipping' formalized in June 2015. This Agreement will provide huge savings in logistics costs for cargo transport between the two countries, improving bilateral trade. The two parties have also agreed to sign an agreement on passenger and cruise vessels.

Bhutan Moves to Modernize Customs Administration through New Customs Bill

Bhutan Finance Minister Namgay Dorji presented the Customs Bill 2015 at the country's National Assembly on 5 November. The Bill aims to modernize Bhutan's Customs administration and was drafted in accordance with standards of the Revised Kyoto Convention. Aligning Bhutan with international standards and practices will lead to economic and non-economic gains, such as increased transparency and predictability of Customs actions, as well as added revenue.

Trial Runs for the IMT Motor Vehicle Agreement Begin in December

Trial runs to test the effectiveness of the India-Myanmar-Thailand (IMT) Motor Vehicle Agreement and identify implementation-related issues will begin by December 2015, according to India's Union Road Transport and Highway Secretary Vijay Chibber. Protocols for the IMT MVA are currently being finalized, to be signed by early April 2016.

WTO Receives 50th Ratification of the Trade Facilitation Agreement

The Republic of Macedonia became the 50th country to submit its ratification of the World Trade Organization's (WTO) Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA). This submission follows the ratification recently deposited by the EU on behalf of its 28 member states, which gave a huge boost toward efforts to bring the Agreement into force. The WTO reported a sharp rise in ratifications, with the number of acceptance instruments received tripling by June 2015.

Nepal Deputy Prime Minister Calls on India's Top Government Officials

Officials from India assured Nepal Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Kamal Thapa of increased supplies of essential goods from India. Minister Thapa went on a 3-day visit to New Delhi, where he met with India Prime Minister Narendra Modi, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, and Home Minister Rajnath Singh.

11th Asia-Europe Meeting of Customs Agrees on Goa Declaration

The 11th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) of Customs Directors General and Commissioners met on 8-9 October 2015 in Goa, India and agreed on the Goa Declaration - a 2016-2017 action plan of 10 specific measures in the Customs field, including trade facilitation, Authorized Economic Operators, and Paperless Customs for participating administrations. The Goa Meeting saw the participation of 41 countries from Asia and Europe

Historic Opportunity to Link South and Southeast Asia: ADB Brief

Regional integration between South and Southeast Asia remains relatively limited, hindered by various problems, including bottlenecks in transport infrastructure. Enhancements in road, railways, and port infrastructure, as well as new road and rail links between Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, and Thailand will lower unit transport costs, reduce shipping times, and increase the quantity of goods, all of which will lead to increased trade.

High-Level Meeting in India Stresses Need for Better Connectivity in the North East Region

A Meeting between India's Minister for External Affairs and Governors of the North East region covered key aspects of the 'Act East Policy', including transport connectivity, border trade, and regional production and value chains. The Meeting stressed the need for better connectivity of the North East to a wider region, including Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Thailand, and discussed ongoing and planned cross-border connectivity projects.

Business Conclave Promotes Enhanced Connectivity between Bhutan and West Bengal

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee encouraged private sector delegates to explore a business corridor concept for tourism, small industries and joint venture projects at an India-Bhutan Business Conclave, held in Bhutan. Making West Bengal a gateway to the North East will open up further business opportunities for Bhutan.

Bhutan Prime Minister Calls for Partnerships to Help LLDCs

Bhutan Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay promotedpartnerships as a way to help landlocked developing countries (LLDCs) become land-linked to global opportunities, saying it is possible to ensure a country is not landlocked economically with its neighbors' full trust and confidence. The Prime Minister was attending a high-level forum for landlocked developing countries on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.

Commentary: Why South Asia Needs Regional Integration

Regional cooperation and integration can help improve cross-border connectivity, increase regional trade and investment, mobilize regional savings for regional investment, reduce macroeconomic vulnerability to shocks, facilitate cooperation in regional public goods, and improve the overall governance standards across the region. A commentary on regional integration in South Asia is shared.

Commentary: Implementation of WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement in Bangladesh

Read a commentary on the implementation of the Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) in Bangladesh. The TFA provides a series of measures to facilitate smooth and efficient movement of goods across borders inspired by best practices from around the world. It is expected to benefit all members of the World Trade Organization, including Bangladesh.

ADB-Supported BBIN MVA Meeting Kicks Off Protocol Negotiations

The technical committees of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal (BBIN) wrapped up a two-day meeting for the BBIN Motor Vehicles Agreement (MVA) protocol negotiations on 9 September 2015. The Meeting initiated negotiations, reaching agreement on guidelines on cross-border movement of passenger and cargo vehicles.

Bangladesh Businessmen Call for Better Land Port Infrastructure

Bangladesh businessmen envisage increased trade with India if constraints on land port infrastructure are addressed. Land ports and land Customs stations play a significant role in the country's trade within the subregion. Current limitations in infrastructure, communication, and excessive documentation create hurdles for trade efficiency.

Strategic Master Plan for Chittagong Port Unveiled

A new master plan outlining a long-term vision for Chittagong Port has been unveiled in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Development under the plan is expected to increase port efficiency and is estimated to cost around $1.9 billion. The master plan financed through SASEC Program technical assistance funded by the Asian Development Bank.

Development of Land Ports in Bangladesh to Boost Regional Trade

The Government of Bangladesh will develop the country's land ports to spur regional trade, undertaking around $84.76 million worth of projects to improve land port infrastructure, warehouse facilities, Customs control procedures, and the institutional and regulatory framework. This initiative will facilitate more efficient movement of goods by cutting border-crossing times to and from Bangladesh, toward Bhutan, India, and Nepal.

Bangladesh Prepares to Enact New Customs Law

The National Board of Revenue of Bangladesh is set to present the Customs Act of 2015 for passage in the September parliamentary session. The new Customs Law, which aims to facilitate smooth international trade, reduce time and cost of doing business, and create a better investment climate, will replace the existing 1969 Customs Law.

Bangladesh and Bhutan Customs Begin Sharing Trade Data

A Meeting of the Joint Group of Customs of Bangladesh and Bhutan held in Thimphu, Bhutan on 26-27 July agreed to share export-import data from Phuentsholing and Burimari Customs stations. The Meeting also decided to consider opening Bangladesh's Chilmari and Roumari river routes to increase access between the two countries.

Trade Restrictions on the Rise: WTO Report

Data from the World Trade Organization's (WTO) latest monitoring report reveal 104 new trade restrictions were adopted by WTO members from mid-October 2014 to mid-May 2015, an increase of 12% since the last reporting period. WTO Director General Roberto Azevêdo said the organization should seek to make decisive progress in eliminating remaining trade-restrictive measures.

Bangladesh and Bhutan Customs Officials Discuss Removal of Non-Tariff Barriers

Customs officials from Bangladesh and Bhutan met on 27 July 2015 in Thimphu, Bhutan to discuss removal of barriers that restrict bilateral trade, and the sharing of import and export data between the two countries. As important trading partners, Bangladesh and Bhutan are working to resolve non-tariff barriers to enhance trade efficiency and boost the exchange of goods.

Bhutan SASEC Road Connectivity Project to Begin September

Construction to improve Pasakha Access Road in Phuentsholing, Bhutan will start in September, said officials from Bhutan's Department of Roads, Ministry of Works and Human Settlement. This road section—a key output of the SASEC Road Connectivity Project in Bhutan—will access a bypass road from Bibarey near Manglabarey, providing trucks and other vehicles an alternate route to industrial sites in Pasakha. Once constructed, it is expected to decongest traffic in Bhutan's Phuentsholing and India

Bangladesh Setting Up National Single Window

An inter-ministerial meeting in Bangladesh reached consensus to set up a National Single Window (NSW) to facilitate cross-border trade and reduce the cost of doing business. The NSW will use a virtual system through which different organizations will be interconnected. The National Board of Revenue's Customs wing will be lead agency for the NSW.

Seminar Highlights Role of Trade Facilitation in Economic Corridor Development

The Asian Development Bank hosted a seminar on economic corridor development on 30 June 2015, where Dr. Pritam Banerjee, Deutsche Post DHL Trade Facilitation and Logistics Expert, discussed necessary macroeconomic reforms from the logistics perspective of economic corridor development facilitation.

Asian Development Bank Reaffirms Commitment to Road Connectivity Projects in Bhutan

Asian Development Bank Vice President Wencai Zhang reaffirmed ADB’s continuous commitment to Bhutan highway projects and the development of the country's wider road sector in discussions with Bhutan Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay and Finance Minister and ADB Governor Namgay Dorji focusing on current and future ADB operations in Bhutan during his visit to Thimphu on 15 June. Improvements in Bhutan's infrastructure will help improve and diversify the economy.

Potentially Large Gains from Enhanced South Asia-Southeast Asia Connectivity

The time is ripe to enhance economic integration between South Asia and Southeast Asia according to a joint study by the Asian Development Bank and the Asian Development Bank Institute. While cross-subregional trade has increased from $4 billion to $90 billion over a 23-year period, bottlenecks in infrastructure, financial markets, trade facilitation, trade barriers and regional cooperation continue to limit further improvement of economic ties.

WCO Secretary General and WTO Director General Attend ADB Forum

World Customs Organization (WCO) Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya and World Trade Organization (WTO) Director General Roberto Azevêdo spoke at the Asian Development Bank Beyond Tariffs Forum in Manila on 21 May 2015. Director General Azevêdo outlined the origins of the WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation while Secretary General Mikuriya spoke about WCO’s collaborative approach with the WTO in TFA implementation.

China Contributes $500,000 to WTO Least Developed Countries

The Government of China pledged to contribute $500,000 to World Trade Organization (WTO) Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Accessions Program or the China Program. This will enable LDCs to better integrate into the global economy by strengthening their participation in WTO activities and helping members accede to the WTO.

Bhutan High-Level Workshop to Improve National Competitiveness

The Better Business Council High-Level Workshop on Improving National Competitiveness was held in Thimphu, Bhutan on 23 March 2015, providing a platform for Bhutan to learn from the experience of the Republic of Georgia and the Republic of Korea (ROK) how to improve their national business climate and international trade.

WCO Holds First Regional Workshop on Trade Facilitation

The world's first regional workshop on the World Trade Organization’s Trade Facilitation Agreement (WTO TFA) was held in Jakarta, Indonesia from 16 to 18 March 2015. The three-day workshop discussed strategic initiatives that focused on three main agendas: (i) WTO TFA implementation; (ii) the World Customs Organization's Mercator Programme; and (iii) Customs cooperation among government age

SAARC to Finalize Standards Harmonization

South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation countries are finalizing mutually acceptable standards in five sectors: food and agricultural products, jute, textile and leather, building materials, chemicals and chemical products, and electrical and electronic products. These sectors have significant trade interest for member countries.

SASEC Transport Project Improving Bhutan-India Connectivity Receives Go Signal

Works to improve road connectivity and facilitate trade between Bhutan and India are set to begin soon along the Phuentsholing-Jaigaon border. An Asian Development Bank-financed project under the South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) program will construct a bypass road from Jaigaon, India to Pasakha in Bhutan and include a mini-dry port in Phuentsholing. A land customs station will also be constructed in Pasakha to monitor the bypass road.

Asian Development Bank to Give $1 Billion Credit to Improve Nepal's Infrastructure

Asian Development Bank (ADB) President Takehiko Nakao called on Nepal Prime Minister Sushil Koirala on 3 February 2015 during a visit to Nepal, and met with Finance Minister Ram Sharan Mahat and National Planning Commission Vice Chairperson Govinda Pokharel. ADB plans to provide about $1 billion in concessional loans and about $13 million in technical assistance grants to Nepal over the next three years to support faster and more inclusive growth in the country.

SASEC Celebrates International Customs Day

The World Customs Organization celebrated International Customs Day on 26 January 2015 to promote Coordinated Border Management (CBM) under the theme, “Coordinated Border Management – An inclusive approach for connecting stakeholders”. CBM is now recognized by the Customs community as a potential solution of the 21st century.

Nepal Subregional Transport Enhancement Project Receives ADB Award

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) recognized exemplary project implementation of five best-performing projects on 18 January 2015, naming the Subregional Transport Enhancement Project (STEP), a South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) project in Nepal, Best in Safeguard Monitoring.

Prime Minister Modi Vows to Make India Easiest Business Destination

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi promised to make India the easiest destination to do business with at the inauguration of the Vibrant Gujarat Summit on 11 January 2015. With global leaders and foreign investors in attendance, he highlighted India's investor-friendly climate, and said that India is working to upgrade its manufacturing infrastructure by modernizing ports and improving road and rail connectivity.

Bhutan Trucks May Now Enter Bangladesh

Bhutanese trucks carrying import/export cargo are now able to enter Bangladesh via India, according to Bangladesh Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed during a visit to Bhutanese Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay on 7 December 2014. The new agreement will allow trucks to carry products directly from Bangladesh for import to Bhutan.

Nepal, UNCTAD to Update Customs Data System

The Department of Customs of Nepal and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) have concluded the negotiations for Nepal's adoption of the Automated System for Customs Data (ASYCUDA) World in November 2014.

SASEC Program Launches Mobile App

The South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) Program has released a mobile app now available for download. This free app is your one-stop shop for the latest information on SASEC Program projects, news, events, and other knowledge products.

SASEC Assists Bangladesh Strengthen Infrastructure Development

The Asian Development Bank’s South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation Program will finance key infrastructure projects worth $492 million under its country operations business plan: the second Bangladesh-India electrical grid interconnection ($105 million), Dohazari-Cox’s Bazar railway link ($217 million), and road and trade facilitation ($170 million).

Asia-Pacific Trade Facilitation Forum 2014 focuses on Trade Facilitation for Inclusive Development

The Asian Development Bank, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, in collaboration with the Ministry of Commerce of Thailand, jointly organized the 6th Asia-Pacific Trade Facilitation Forum (APTFF)—an annual regional platform—on September 24-25, 2014. Over 200 delegates joined the knowledge and experience-sharing forum.

80-Vehicle Trial Run of ESCAP Secure Cross-border Transport Model along Bhutan-India Transit Corridor

In follow-up to the limited pilot run of United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific's Secure Cross-border Transport Model, officials from India and Bhutan Customs administrations participated in trial runs of 80 vehicles along the Kolkata-Jaigon-Phuentsholing transit corridor between Bhutan and India on 1—5 September 2014.

WTO Faces Setback on Implementation of Bali Trade Deal

The deadline for adoption of the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Trade Facilitation Agreement passed on 31 July without reaching a consensus. WTO Director General Roberto Azevêdo reports "the remaining gaps are unbridgeable with the time that we have."

WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement Facility Support LDCs and Developing Countries

A Trade Facilitation Agreement Facility was launched by the WTO on 22 July 2014, further ensuring that least developed countries and developing countries will receive necessary assistance in implementing the trade facilitation agreement.

Reducing Practical Barriers to Trade

The World Economic Forum's Global Enabling Trade Report: 2014 offers a tool to monitor progress on implementing measures for the Trade Facilitation Agreement. It provides insights on how countries in South Asia can significantly gain from the $1 trillion boost the Trade Facilitation Agreement is expected to bring to the global economy.

Chittagong Port Sees Steady Increase in Container Handling

Bangladesh's Chittagong Port recorded a rise of 10.46% in container handling during fiscal year 2013-2014. This statistic counts as Chittagong Port's biggest growth in terms of cargo handled. ADB approved the Chittagong Port Trade Facilitation Project in October 2004 to increase the capacity of its container terminal.

Policies to Enhance Trade Facilitation in South Asia and Southeast Asia

This Asian Development Bank Institute publication identifies the state of play of trade facilitation and provides an overview of intra- and inter-regional trade in South and Southeast Asia. Key challenges and bottlenecks to effective trade facilitation range from the lack of expert human resources, high border transaction costs, and the lack of effective dialogue on bilateral enhancement of trade facilitation.

WTO Director General Roberto Azevêdo Emphasizes Key Roles of Bangladesh and Nepal in Doha Development Agenda

World Trade Organization (WTO) Director General Roberto Azevêdo visited SASEC member countries Bangladesh on June 3, 2014 and Nepal on June 4-5, 2014, highlighting achievements of the recent Ninth WTO Ministerial Meeting held in Bali in December 2013, and discussing key trade issues.

Launch of $1.5 Million Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction Technical Assistance for Trade Facilitation in Nepal

Mr. Madhu Kumar Marasini, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Finance represented the Government of Nepal at the official launch of activities under a $1.5 million technical assistance project financed by the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction, on 21 May 2014 in Kathmandu, Nepal. The capacity development technical assistance will support trade facilitation initiatives being carried out under the South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) Trade Facilitation Program.

SASEC Trade Facilitation Strategic Framework 2014–2018 Endorsed by Members

SASEC countries Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal have endorsed the SASEC Trade Facilitation Strategic Framework 2014–2018 (TF Strategy) for implementation.  The TF Strategy supports the mission of the SASEC Transport and Trade Facilitation Strategy “to promote the prosperity of the subregion by facilitating the efficient movement of trade across the borders”.

Launch of $1.5 million Japan fund for Poverty Reduction Technical Assistance in Bhutan for Trade Facilitation

Mr. Nim Dorji, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Finance represented the Royal Government of Bhutan at the official launch of activities under a $1.5 million technical assistance project financed by the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction (JFPR). The capacity development technical assistance will support trade facilitation initiatives carried out under the South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) Trade Facilitation Program.

Bali Trade and Development Symposium

The Bali Trade and Development Symposium (TDS) which took place on the sidelines of the Ninth WTO Ministerial Conference discussed governmental and non-governmental stakeholder issues on trade and sustainable development and addressed challenges facing the multilateral trade system. Panelists emphasized the uncertain role of WTO negotiations and highlighted the need to focus on food security and renewable energy.

ADB Assisting South Asia to Reduce Trade Barriers

ADB is providing $48 million to help goods move more smoothly in and out of Bangladesh Bhutan and Nepal.

SASEC Holds National Workshop on Revised Kyoto Convention

ADB's South Asia Regional Cooperation Divison and the World Customs Organization organized a workshop held in Thimpu Bhutan from 26-28 November to help prepare Bhutans accession to the Revised Kyoto Convention.

SASEC Trade Facilitation and Transport Working Group Reviews $4 Billion Portfolio

Trade facilitation and transport officials of SASEC countries reviewed planned priority sub-regional projects totaling over $4 billion over the next three years.

Asia-Pacific Trade Facilitation Forum 2012

ADB in cooperation with UNESCAP organized the Asia-Pacific Trade Facilitation Forum (APTFF) held on 30-31 October 2012.

SASEC Nodal Officials Meeting

The Nodal Officials of the SASEC Program met at the sidelines of the 45th ADB Annual Meeting in Manila on 3 May 2012.

Historic Deal Between India and Pakistan

Issues resolved surrounding trade grievances mutual recognition and customs agreements are expected to facilitate bilateral trade between the two countries.

Kunming Conference

About 160 officials from 30 countries participated in the ADB conference on RCI held on 26-27 March in the PRC.

SASEC Trade Facilitation and Transport Working Group Meeting in Kolkata

Following the SASEC Trade Facilitation and Transport Working Group (TFTW) Meeting in Bangkok in October 2011 the TFTWG met again in Kolkata on 5 March 2012 and agreed on a list of investment and technical assistance projects.