Regional: Accessible Assistive Technology for Promoting Health, Well-being, and Gender Equality in South Asia
The knowledge and support technical assistance will help six South Asian developing member countries strengthen the regional capacity for accessible assistive technology to persons with disabilities.
Commitment Date Funding Type Country Sector Status Total Cost |
30 Oct 2023 Technical Assistance Regional Health Ongoing $2 million |
Strengthen the knowledge base for accessible assistive technology in the region by developing a (i) summary of assistive technology status in the region, (ii) affordability analysis, and (iii) priority assistive product lists Prepare a roadmap for India to be a regional hub of assistive technology and form an action plan for establishing the Asian Institute of Assistive Technology as a key institution for the regional hub Strengthen the regional capacity on enabling environment for accessible assistive technology by conducting trainings, workshops and study visits, covering the issues of assistive technology market, needs, human resources, and gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) mainstreaming |
$2 million (Japan Fund for Prosperous and Resilient Asia and the Pacific) |