India Becomes Party to the United Nations TIR Convention
19 June 2017
The Government of India ratified the United Nations TIR (Transports Internationaux Routiers) Convention on 19 June 2017, becoming the 71st country to accede to this worldwide Customs transit system, which has the widest geographical coverage. As a contracting party, India's traders will benefit from fast, easy, reliable, and hassle-free movement of goods through multimodal transport across territories of other contracting parties. This promises to be a boon to India's trade, and contribute to India's aim of integrating its economy with global and regional production networks, boosting initiatives such as "Make in India." It will also help India implement the World Trade Organization’s Trade Facilitation Agreement.
Mr. Boris Blanche, Chief Operations Officer, International Road Transport Union, lauded India's entry to the TIR, expressing confidence that the country's decision to implement the TIR system will create long-term benefits for India’s trade, and save time and cost by streamlining procedures at borders, and reducing administration and border waiting times.
India's Union Cabinet had approved accession to the Customs Convention on International Transport of Goods under cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention) in March 2017.
The TIR Convention enables transit of goods across international borders without payment of duties and taxes normally collected for import/export, provided that movement of the goods includes transport by road.
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