Japan Assists Sri Lanka to Become Regional Hub

9 September 2014

The Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe and President of Sri Lanka, Mahinda Rajapaksa

Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s recent visit to Sri Lanka recognized the country’s promise as a future regional hub. As maritime and agro-based nations, both Japan and Sri Lanka have advantages in developing bilateral trade. Japan will extend its technologies and skills to Sri Lanka, improve infrastructure, and reduce power shortages in the country. Sri Lanka will provide maritime access to huge markets and ensure freedom and safety of navigation in the region.

In a joint statement issued by Prime Minister Abe and President Rajapaksa of Sri Lanka, the two leaders established the Sri-Lanka–Japan Dialogue on Maritime Security Issues with the goal of accelerating cooperation on maritime connectivity and promoting cooperation in the maritime sector. They also welcomed the Japan International Cooperation Agency study on transport infrastructure for metropolitan areas, which recomnmends a mass rapid transit system to mitigate traffic congestion and eliminate transport bottlenecks.

Prime Minister Abe visited Colombo, Sri Lanka to foster greater economic cooperation and affirm Sri Lanka’s potential as a hub of the Indian Ocean Rim economic zone. Prime Minister Abe acknowledged this vision, and President Rajapaksa welcomed Japan’s constructive engagement with member countries of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation. 


Related Links:

Daily News: Japan pledges support to achieve regional hub status 
The Diplomat: Japan's Abe Visits Bangladesh and Sri Lanka
Asian Tribune: Prime Minister Abe’s Visit: An Opportunity to Make up for Lost Time
Asian Tribune: Joint Statement between Sri Lanka and Japan - A New Partnership between Maritime Countries

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