SASEC Transport Working Group (TWG) Meeting
20-21 Nov 2023
The South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation Transport Working Group (SASEC TWG) meeting was held on 20-21 November 2023 in New Delhi, India.
The Government of India hosted the meeting and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) gave knowledge and logistics support. Mr. Vinayak Azaad, member (Traffic), Inland Waterways Authority of India, chaired the opening plenary session. Mr. Aditya Kumar Mishra, chair, Land Ports Authority of India chaired the succeeding plenary sessions and Mr. Thiam Hee Ng, regional head, Regional Cooperation and Integration Unit, South Asia Department, ADB, cochaired the sessions.
The meeting discussed transport connectivity and focused on enhancing regional connectivity across road, rail, maritime, and inland waterways transport in the SASEC region. The meeting also discussed proposed projects and knowledge products under the SASEC program.
Over 50 government officials from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Maldives, attended the meeting. Officials from Myanmar joined the meeting virtually.