Consultation Visit to the Kolkata Port/Customs and Bilateral Discussion with CBEC India for CTD Automation
6-11 Aug 2017
The Consultation Visit to the Kolkata Port, Customs and Nepal Consulate Office and the Bilateral Discussion with Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) India for Customs Transit Declaration (CTD) Automation were held on 6-11 August 2017 in Kolkata and New Delhi, India. The study visit team paid a courtesy call to Ms. Vanaja N. Sarna, Chairperson, CBEC, and exchanged views on enhancing trade facilitation measures in cross-border trade.
The Meeting
- Gave updates on Nepal’s Export-Import (EXIM) code development and implementation
- Gave updates on India’s CTD automation software implementation;
- Identified "Next Steps" in EXIM code sharing; and
- Finalized the process of exchange of export declaration.
In addition, the visit to Kolkata allowed participants to observe
- Port and Customs clearance process at the Kolkata Port and Haldia Port;
- CTD automation software; and
- Container Freight Services (CFS).
And, the visit to New Delhi allowed participants to observe
- The IE code implementation at the Directorate of Foreign Trade; and
- Operations at ICD Tughlakabad.
The study visit has paved the way for enhanced collaboration with CBEC India for end-to-end CTD automation and the exchange of export declarations between India and Nepal, which are part of the SASEC Customs Subgroup subregional projects.
The Meeting and study visit were attended by Customs officers from Nepal and India, representatives from Nepal’s Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Commerce, EXIM code software developer, and representatives from the Asian Development Bank.